
May 27, 2010 16:39

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Comments 3

ultra_ellie May 27 2010, 21:02:42 UTC
she looks like a little sweetie :)


inu_yukai May 27 2010, 21:06:53 UTC
I havent had a ratlet since 2008 and I have forgotten how fast and skittish they can be when they havent been around people. She will come up to me and crawl on my hands now but she hates being picked up. Zenzi is past 2 years now so I dont know how much longer she will be with me.


ultra_ellie May 27 2010, 21:10:23 UTC
just keep picking Sala up, she will get used to it and they usually do quite quicky. i have 3 girls over 2 as well.


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