Title: "yes, senpai" and "i missed you"
Author/Artist: 52WK
Rating: G/PG?
Warnings: just some emotional hugging
Summary: I rediscovered my hardcore love for tenipuri this summer. Back when I first got into tenipuri (5+ years ago) I wasn't even drawing at the time, but now I can contribute my own fanwork. I love Inui/Kaidoh, they have always been my OTP
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Comments 9
Thanks for sharing!
...which is pretty bad seeing as it's 3am...
Thank you for sharing >_<"~ <333
It's brightened the day/night and totally inspiring one (i.e.: me) to get off one's ass and draw/write moar fanwerk n_n";;
I keep imagining their future lives as a (married) couple hahahhaa.
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T 3T I love the idea of them in the future (as a married couple kind of relationship hahahah) in a scene like this!
I hope to read your fanfiction (especially the scene like this!) XD. I haven't really tried to hunt down fanfics lately.
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Ohhh I love this idea of Kaidoh studying abroad. T OT, that's exactly the same feelings that I had in the airport picture. I hope you finish your fanfic =)
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