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Comments 7

neversleeps January 8 2014, 04:22:48 UTC
I know you said that you don't feel like you may have improved, but I think you have definitely made some progress! I especially feel that way looking at the post you made in December; there are a lot of good icons there! And we are definitely in the same area resolutions-wise. :)


rocketgirl2 January 9 2014, 05:54:13 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm happy with about half of the December post, but feel that about half of it is really dull...hence my resolutions for next year, haha. XD We'll have to keep each other on track since we're both doing the same thing!


neversleeps January 10 2014, 18:46:19 UTC
lol that's me with every post I make. :) But, yes! We so have to! And the funniest part, especially in my own case, is that every once in a while, I do a creative thing, and then I follow it up with a bunch of simple. Or maybe not even simple, just easy.


littlemissnovel May 8 2014, 04:20:02 UTC
You have stunning icons <3


rocketgirl2 May 9 2014, 22:20:04 UTC
Thank you so much! ♥


bigredbag June 7 2015, 02:01:35 UTC
Surprisingly, the Naomi one is really pretty for me! I love her, but normally an icon of her wouldn't be my go to. I just really like that one! I love them all though. :)


rocketgirl2 June 7 2015, 03:01:56 UTC
Aw, thanks so much! Naomi was certainly a fave of mine as well, and that icon is very close to me because I used it on here + tumblr for quite a while. It's always good to see it get some love from someone else as well! :)


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