His fur parts beneath her fingers
silky curls revealing dark unseen skin
that falls away in ribbons
like venison. Through tendons she reaches,
splitting joints, desperate for
what is hidden inside
the cage of his bones
(her own heart, trapped.)
A prince with gold circlet lies
asleep; his eyes,
they’re closed, and she doesn’t want
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Comments 10
I've read somewhere recently (maybe it was you?) about the origins of the tale as a means of educating young women about marriage (men are beasts, and you have to learn to cope with them to find the person inside). Obviously, modern adaptations have altered the message.
Here, Beauty isn't even interested in the prince--she wants her Beast. I don't know what to make of that exactly, except that it's a thoroughly modern interpretation....
Hmm. I suppose it's one of those things that only works as a metaphor.
It's odd that the only attempt I've made at writing a story in a fairy tale style was titled "Beauty and Beasts", though I didn't take more than the trappings; the story itself doesn't have much to do with the tale.
There are many layers in this, and I definitely agree with what you and mabus101 were saying about the whole gender politics aspect. It's an interesting one, especially since this is probably the fairy tale I gravitated toward the most as a little girl. (Well, that and Rapunzel.) My favorite line:
she does not want this man inside her Beast.
Packs such a punch. ♥
Ahahaha, Rapunzel. When I was up at andi_horton's house last week (um it is just so fucking cool to say that! ...anyway,) her roommate's daughter was watching Barbie Rapunzel and I was sort of watching it too and then suddenly I burst out with "OMG I SERIOUSLY GET IT NOW the prince is climbing the TOWER GAY GAY EW. Not that I judge. BUT SHE IS LOCKED IN A FUCKING GINORMOUS PHALLIC SYMBOL FOR CHRISSAKES." And the three-year-old stared at me like I had lost my mind.
So me'n some friends are putting together a chapbook of poetry and writings and shit, and this and a few other of my BATB poems are going to be in it, so if I end up printing a set amount rather than individual ones, do you want a chapbook?
...man, I may have to do more than one response to this prompt...
This line made me want to weep. For someone who has never been in a realtionship, you hit a soft spot for those who have been. Theres nothing more painful than words, and nothing more rewarding.
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