Fic: It's hard to say 'I do', even if you really want to [2/4]

Dec 21, 2008 14:06

Title: It's hard to say 'I do', even if you really want to [2/4]
Summary: For Patrick it's hard to fall in love while the whole world is watching.
Author: Me
Pairing: Pete/Patrick
Rating: PG - 13, sexual references.
Word count: 1301
Disclaimer: Not true, don't own any of them or the tv show.
Authors notes: Here's the next chapter, hope you like it. Comments and Concrit is very welcome!

Chapter 1

“This is Big Brother, it’s now 9am, time to get up” a voice said over the p.a system.

Bright lights were suddenly flipped on and all around the room Patrick heard grunting and exclamations in protest. Patrick rolled over on his back and stared up to the ceiling. He was really surprised he had ever fallen asleep. A movement next to him made him flinch.

“Good morning Patrick” said Pete with a voice husky from a nights sleep.

Still surprised over who had been sleeping next to him and that for the fact that he hadn’t noticed Pete getting into bed, Patrick mumbled an incoherent reply. Pete was already out of bed and walking towards the kitchen, clad only in boxers. Patrick blushed when he realized he was staring at Pete’s ass.


The whole house was in motion and the getting to know everyone process was in motion. Since there was nothing else to do but talk they soon found out a lot about everyone. Patrick seemed to be the only one who still thought about the cameras and took time to carefully think about what he said. He knew who was watching and he really didn’t want his mom to find out about his sex life or when he started drinking alcohol. She was better off not knowing.

Pete was having a really good time. He enjoyed meeting new people so he could discuss everything and anything without knowing where they stood. He also knew that everyone wasn’t going to like him here, his sincerity and outspokenness wouldn’t always be welcomed. Pete didn’t care about everyone, he only cared if Patrick liked him. There was something about Patrick that made Pete’s pulse race every time he looked at him. Seeing his strawberry blond hair wisp out from under the trucker hat, gently touching his pale neck made Pete want to bury his head right there.

Pete usually didn’t think through his actions but in here with the cameras and the possibility of being in here with Patrick for 100 days he figured it might be a good choice to take it slow. He didn’t need to get him into bed right away, he could pace himself. Possibly. Maybe.


It had been 16 days and now they were only 10 persons left. Pete was still here and so was Patrick. While Patrick was surprised he was still there, Pete just assumed he would stay every time there had been a live show and someone had to leave. They had become some sort of friends, with Pete doing most of the talking and Patrick mostly nodding and humming in the right places. Patrick really had no clue why he was still there, why the viewers wanted him to stay since he didn’t offer much good television being as closed up about his personal life as he was.

They were all sitting in the living room, Pete lying on one of the couches and Patrick sitting in the end of the same couch. The talk was the same as always. When there aren’t much happening around them the topics doesn’t change much. Right now Pete and one of the other guys, Lucas, where talking about the perceptions of men who wear make-up. Pete wore eyeliner, or as he liked to say ‘guyliner’, every day and was no stranger to the flatiron. Lucas had since the beginning disliked that specific thing about Pete.

“Don’t you agree that men who wear make-up automatically get stamped as being gay?” Lucas argued. “And with that they get less of a chance in society and in the work field”

Pete wasn’t late with the reply. “So you’re saying that I’m gay since I wear a little bit a guyliner and that doing so, I can’t get a job?”

In his seat on the couch Patrick gave out a soft chuckle. Hearing Pete say he wore “a little bit” of eyeliner was just so ridiculous since he wore more than a drag queen. Pete glanced over and Patrick felt his heart skip a beat. Ever since that first smile during the first night here Patrick had been trying to fight what he was feeling for Pete. Before he had always been able to push away the thoughts about other guys and he had never been with another man. Something about Pete made that very difficult and sleeping next to him every night was starting to get to him.

Just the same morning he had found himself with Pete’s arm draped across his chest, Pete himself snuggled up to his side softly snoring. It had taken all his mental strength to get out of bed. Even though he found it very cozy lying there he was pretty sure his parents wouldn’t be too fond of him coming out on prime time television.

Pete could see how lost in his thoughts Patrick where after the little chuckle he made and took the opportunity to rest his eyes on him a few seconds longer than he knew was usually appropriate. Pete’s eyes stopped at Patrick’s mouth and seeing him biting his full bottom lip made Pete long to do so himself. Pete had been patient, way more patient then he normally would be. Waiting until Patrick was asleep and then slowly pulling closer and wrap his arms carefully around him wouldn’t do it for long. When lying there Pete can’t help but to smell Patrick. A mix of shampoo and whatever flower the soap that the girls had picked out this week had in it, made Pete go crazy. And even if Pete wasn’t the shyest guy around he wasn’t going to play with himself in front of all the viewers.


Patrick looked at himself in the mirror while brushing his teeth. The house was resting in a comfortable silence since Patrick was the only one still awake. He had been reading a book trying to avoid going to bed. If Pete kept embracing him in his sleep he didn’t know how long he could resist doing it back. Standing up after rinsing the toothpaste out of his mouth he froze at the reflection that met him.

Pete was standing a few feet behind him. His black jeans hanging low and loosely on his hips, showing the tattoo on his pelvis and the lack of underwear. Patrick’s eyes wandered up and admired the torso and stopped a second on the thorns he had tattooed around his neck. Imagining how it would feel how to touch them, to slowly sweep his fingers over it, made Patrick sigh. Opening his eyes again, he hadn’t even realized he had closed them, Pete had moved closer. Their eyes met in the mirror and gazing in to Pete’s eyes Patrick felt his heart miss a beat inside of him. He knew Pete would change everything that Patrick thought he knew about himself, it was just a matter of time. Quickly he looked away and moved past Pete and went straight to bed.

Pete had felt something entirely different standing there with his eyes looked together with Patrick’s. All his blood had rushed down to where his legs came together and desire rushed through his body. When Patrick swept by him on his way out of the bathroom and accidentally touched his arm, Pete stopped breathing for a second. He walked slowly over to the sink and splashed cold water over his face in an attempt to calm himself down.

Standing there with his face close to the mirror, Pete sighed deeply and mumbled something that would have gone unnoticed if it weren’t for the hidden microphone next to him.

“Patrick, Patrick, you’ve got me so fucking bad. I just want to touch you, kiss you and make you go as crazy as I am”

fic: pete/patrick

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