Drabble: Writer's Block

Mar 29, 2009 11:05

Title: Writer's Block
Pairing: Pete/Patrick
Rating: G
Wordcount: 276
Summary: "It used to be so easy to write"
A/N: So I actually found this last night written in my notebook from my grammar class. Apparently I've written it during one of the seminars instead of listening. No wonder I failed the exam, lol. Nothing special really, but I figured that when I for once have something finished I should post it.

He scrunched the paper into a small ball and threw it towards the silver trashcan standing in the corner but missed gravely. It wasn't the first ball of paper that had met that destiny and a pile was forming on the floor. Pete was getting frustrated. It used to be so easy to write, the words flowing out of him like a current, sticking to the paper and then Patrick turn them into melodies. Now it was like someone had unplugged him, taken away the source for the current.

He got up from the bed and walked over to the window. Rain was pouring down on the outside, coating the glass with a layer of water. Everything became blurrier than usual. Pete wondered when it had started, as he had been too wrapped up in trying to write to notice. From the large puddles on the ground it looked like it had been going on for a while.

Frowning, he reached into his pocket and checked the time on his Sidekick. 2,17am. Logically he realized that it was too late to call the only person he wanted and needed to talk to. But then again, that had never stopped him before. Naturally he dialed the familiar number and waited as the signals slowly beeped by. After seven signals a voice husky from sleep answered with half of a 'hello'.

The familiarity of Patrick's voice wrapped around Pete like a blanket and that was all he needed. He could feel the energy for the current coming back to him and he knew when they hung up the phone he would write for the rest of the night.

fic: pete/patrick, drabble

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