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Comments 2

calico_reaction May 30 2012, 03:03:44 UTC
Deryn not Derryn. ;)

You know, you're right about the lorises (lori? What's the plural here?). I am inclined to think they were an excuse to get to Istanbul, and Barlow was rather under the impression that the lorises would've been smarter if they hadn't been under the heat lamp so long? Or something?

Yeah... I wish we'd gotten a wee bit more of them, because I adored those critters so much!


intoyourlungs May 30 2012, 04:06:18 UTC
Damnit! I thought I fixed them all after you corrected me in another one of my reviews.

And yes, I loved the lorises so much too!! I remember in your review you mentioned that you have a menagerie of fictional creatures that you'd love to own, and I laughed because I do the exact same thing. The lorises were definitely on that list. :D


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