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Comments 4

calico_reaction May 28 2012, 02:13:51 UTC
Not much to add to this, especially since it's been a while since I read it originally. :) My review is here: http://calico-reaction.livejournal.com/213167.html


intoyourlungs May 28 2012, 02:24:57 UTC
Yes, I remember your review! I only read the end of it because I hadn't read Leviathan, but it's what REALLY made me want to read the series (though it obviously still took me a year and a half to get to it anyway..). I read the whole thing after I type up my review and found myself nodding a lot. The only difference is that I didn't find Alek's chapters very dragging because I liked him quite a bit in this book, but when compared to Deryn's chapters they're definitely slower and less fun.


calico_reaction May 28 2012, 02:26:18 UTC
I swear, Deryn's voice makes the trilogy!


intoyourlungs May 28 2012, 02:27:58 UTC
Ahahaha, I agree!! She's become one of my favourite heroines ever.


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