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Comments 5

calico_reaction August 12 2011, 12:32:38 UTC
She's stubborn as hell, but the lady can hold her own, even if she is an example of "man with boobs". Martin turns that trope on its head though, in that he makes Brienne ugly, instead of the smoking hot babe that usually occupies that trope.

While he does turn the trope on its head, I can't really agree with Brienne being a man with boobs. Her actual femaleness is so much a part of her character that it's a conflict, and usually, men with boobs don't experience that kind of conflict between their gender and profession: everyone treats them as one of the guys that you can actually have sex with (if you're straight). Does that make sense? To me, the character in question would be the SAME character if they actually WERE a man, whereas Brienne is who she is because she's had to fight so damn hard to be where she is, and that wouldn't have happened if she'd been born a man.

Taking a break is a good idea. I've been reading roughly one book a year, though I'm tempted to break that this year. Still pondering. :)


intoyourlungs August 12 2011, 17:11:34 UTC
Ahhh, that actually does make a whole lot more sense. That's probably why she's so likable (to me anyway) in the first place. Thanks for clearing that up!


calico_reaction August 12 2011, 17:35:05 UTC
I've got some "men with boobs" examples somewhere... I need to dig them up as a point of comparison. :) I will say that the first 30 pages of the first Kris Longknife book made that heroine feel like a man with boobs. And Starbuck, from BSG, was initially accused of being a man with boobs (however, she's a freaking fantastic character). There's some urban fantasy heroines you could lob that accusation at as well and get away with it. :)


ext_394094 August 23 2011, 05:54:26 UTC
Oh, hang on, I'm just staring at the 1216 pages.... *hides* I desperately want to read this series but it's just so daunting! I love the tv show though :P


intoyourlungs August 26 2011, 16:31:01 UTC
(Sorry for taking so long to reply to this -- I'm usually notified by e-mail when I get LJ comments, but my e-mail application wasn't open and I didn't notice. :P eep)

Yeah, each installment in this series is definitely super long, but they read *really* fast, with the exception of A Clash of Kings, which felt a little long to me and was definitely longer than it needed to be.

I've read on another blog that a good way to read the series is to watch an episode, than read the book up to where the episode ends (since the show follows the books so close -- they did for the first season anyway). That way, you're not spoiled for the show and you get all kinds of insight and extra info that they can't fit into the show. It might make the length a little less daunting too if you just read it in chunks. :D

And the tv show is SO GOOD. I love it too. :D


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