Title: Back to the Future
AlisanneChallenge: Written for the 2014 Fall
intoabar Challenge. Prompt:Severus Snape goes into a bar and meets... Kaylee Frye (Firefly).
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Firefly.
Word Count: ~3100
Rating/Contents: PG; Nothing to warn for, really.
Characters: Severus Snape, Kaylee Frye, Simon Tam, River Tam. Severus Snape/Harry Potter, Simon Tam/Kaylee Frye implied.
Summary: Severus just wants to go far away.
Author’s notes: This is set after “Serenity” in 2519.
So many people to thank! Thanks to my Harry Potter betas,
sevfan and
emynn, and to my Firefly betas,
pern_dragon and
drgaellon! Thanks also to
chamekke for the inspirational ideas. You all rock. <3
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