12th Atrocity - Friendship Is F@#$ing Magic

Oct 17, 2011 17:38

[To the members of 836 Hastings Boulevard]
((OOC permission granted by Rarity-mun))
Cut for MLP Murder Aftermath )

bm just needs friends, mlp, murder, friendship is magic, unicorn horn, summoner

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RE: [Around town] taser_facial October 18 2011, 03:41:10 UTC
[ Sokora can, oftentimes, be found wandering the town, looking for new - and friendly - people to introduce himself to. This latest gent, however, seems to be of the opposite sort he'd normally consider. Nonetheless, the evident unicorn horn definitely demands some comment, and so he approaches the robed individual. He waits until those eldritch statements are (however temporarily) completed, and wanders forth.]

Ah... pardon me, but you seem to have something on your face, there.


Re: [Around town] inthenertz October 18 2011, 18:30:34 UTC
Yeah, you do too, but at least mine isn't permanently attached!

Ooooh! Burn!

[From the smelly little man who wears a bag over his head.]


Re: [Around town] taser_facial October 18 2011, 23:35:37 UTC
[ An eyebrow's raised. Well, so much for polite discussion. Time, it would appear, for Insult Warfare! ]

You mean your face? Well, that would explain the bag - I'm certainly glad that you've dropped it off for that biannual cleaning.


Re: [Around town] inthenertz October 19 2011, 10:00:57 UTC
Oh, we got a funny guy here.

Funny looking!


Re: [Around town] taser_facial October 19 2011, 19:01:13 UTC
[ The man breaks into a light smirk. On the other hand, it would be terribly rude to break into a battle of wits with the terminally unarmed. ]

Heavens! A stab at my heart. Truly, sir, you are the master of verbal repartee.

But I must ask, what's the deal with the unicorn horn? ...and the skin that's attached to it.


Re: [Around town] inthenertz October 22 2011, 15:18:10 UTC
Yeah, I know I am. I don't need some slack jawed townie to tell me.

Oh, yeah, unicorn horn. I'm trying to work summoning magic.


Re: [Around town] taser_facial October 23 2011, 09:52:03 UTC
[ The eyebrow arches again. Slack-jawed townie, eh? ]

Summoning magic? Attempting to call something into Mayfield, from outside? That seems rather counterintuitive.

Also, out of curiosity, where did you find that? I can't imagine that rare spell foci are in heavy supply here. [ Good thing he paid attention to that mage friend of his on occasion. ]


[Around town] inthenertz October 23 2011, 17:06:09 UTC
You really don't know what summoners actually do, do you?

They rip holes through the dimensions and tug things through.

I will say it again, slower, so you can keep up.

They... rip.. holes... through the dimensions.

Now, for bonus points, what else can you do with a hole other than take things out?

And I found this horn growing in my garden. Where do you think you get unicorn horns?


Re: [Around town] taser_facial October 24 2011, 01:34:39 UTC
Well, yes, obviously it's a two-way--

[ Sokora pauses, a slow grin spreading across his face. Time for a wee bit of absolute bullshitting. ]

Really? You're going to try and violate Nash's First Law? Well, then, I'll just wait over here. By all means, don't stop on my account.

[ He steps back slightly, looking expectant. ]


[Around town] inthenertz October 25 2011, 16:07:14 UTC
That's great.

I'm going to violate your mother too, do you plan to stand over there and watch that as well?

[Not sure about this Nash fellow or his laws..]


Re: [Around town] taser_facial October 25 2011, 16:50:44 UTC
[ He grins, even wider. Slight twitch as you mention his mom - but only just. ]

This'll be absolutely brilliant. I've never actually seen someone colander themselves before.


[Around town] inthenertz October 25 2011, 19:12:59 UTC
[A twitch?


Maybe I'll give you a first hand experience when I'm done here.

But first, I got a date with a gaping hole, and I don't mean your mom's.

At least, not yet.


[Around town] taser_facial October 25 2011, 19:18:15 UTC
[ A bit of derisive laughter follows, just underneath his breath. ]

That's all right. A second-hand experience is perfectly fine. Besides, you might find it a bit difficult... hoo. It's a shame that I won't be able to see everything that happens to you...


[Around town] inthenertz October 25 2011, 19:48:11 UTC
I know, lower lifeform like you, I'm surprised you manage to string together words like that.

When I'm done, I'll be sure to visit your home first and give you a brother.


Re: [Around town] taser_facial October 25 2011, 21:04:05 UTC
Yeah, funny thing. You'll have a hard time holding yourself together, after this - laughing, as it were, on the other side of your face. Hmm, maybe I should grab a notebook... surely it'll be very educational, seeing a person squeezing through five holes at once.

[ He scoffs again, then chuckles, this time with a sense of familiarity. ]

Hey, now, there's no need to be racist. An elf's just as much as a person as anyone else.


Re: [Around town] inthenertz October 25 2011, 22:23:59 UTC
I bet you know as much about weather as you do summoning.

And elves aren't people, they're cannon fodder.


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