10th Atrocity - I've Become a Zombie, Me!

Sep 19, 2011 07:46

[753 Partridge Drive | Backdated to Sunday][Black Mage wakes up in the morning, not knowing the outbreak has begun ( Read more... )

when you're evil, cannibalism, zombies!

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[Action/Sunday Night] godisachild September 19 2011, 17:59:53 UTC
[Oh hey BM look who it is! Think it's kinda hard to forget the kid who set you on fire, eh?

Looks like he's smashing the living hell out of zombies with his mech with abandon, not really paying attention to the shit around him. Maybe you ought to take care of that.]


Re: [Action/Sunday Night] inthenertz September 19 2011, 18:05:50 UTC
[Can't let any good deed go unpunished.

BM looks over the mech and grins. From the mass of moaning, groaning dead, Pokey will hear a shout.]

Bolt 2!

[Lightning launches from the middle of the croud, bolts striking the legs of the machine.

Trying to blow them off and topple the mech. Not even aiming for the pilote.]


[Action/Sunday Night] godisachild September 19 2011, 18:11:23 UTC
[The resulting jolt of the blow of electricity is enough to make Pokey get knocked into the air before landing back on top of the mech, momentarily stunned as well. He looks around, wide-eyed, trying to find where that came from.

As for Josephine....

The bolts do their job relatively well. The burst of energy slammed it to the ground, a couple of its legs getting torn off by the blast, while the other two twitch, attempting to position the mech towards where it things the blow may have come from. The AI couldn't judge where the bolts themselves come from, but it did hear the hostile voice, and has enough sense to try and target that.

And so, the mech at the moment writhes, attempting to turn itself around to face BM and ready a missile. But it's so damaged and incredibly slow, and it's pilot so shell-shocked, it wouldn't be hard to finish it off.

Pokey isn't even really looking for the voice at the moment. Just at his mech.]



[Action/Sunday Night] inthenertz September 19 2011, 19:37:12 UTC
[He giggles with glee. The zombies getting their chance to regroup, even if they are slow and stupid.

Black mage is waiting for the mech to try and taret him. Calling out to Pokey as he does.]

You know what a robot sounds like when it dies?

[Waiting for the thing to get a lock on him before using his new trick. Aiming for the center or it's weapons, which ever seems the easiest target.]

Let's find out!


[Heat lasers shooting from Black Mage's eyes to trya and carve into that metal monstrosity.]


[Action/Sunday Night] godisachild September 19 2011, 19:55:36 UTC
[Fuck the zombies. Those are the last things on Pokey's mind. He just glares daggers at Black Mage, his lips curling back in a frown.]

Yeah, but more importantly? I know what you sound like when-

[It's a pretty quick moment, when the lasers fire from BM's eyes and into the metal hull of the spider mech. Or, more accurately, puncturing the giant eye on the front of it. If you were wondering if it was organic? Half and half. The black substance leaking out appears to be more akin to oil than blood, but there's some kind of filmy mucus, white and it's appearance dimmed by the dark, that falls to the ground as well ( ... )


[Action/Sunday Night] inthenertz September 19 2011, 20:02:40 UTC
[It was part organic? It was!?

Oh, it is like Christmas! Black Mage doesn't even hear Pokey at this point.

It's like killing that annoying Warmech from back home and a random person at the same time!]


[Lightning from the sky strikes down on the metal corpse, the thunder clap coming moments after.

What is over kill?

The rest of the zombie horde might care about the delicious meat boy that was no longer protected, but BM was reveling in his recent victim.]

Oh, I hope you and Warmech are cousins!


[Action/Sunday Night] godisachild September 19 2011, 20:08:50 UTC
[The boy practically growls. Not a little sound in your throat, either. An almost animal sound, when he hears the mage call out it's attack again. He stands up, trying to look threatening as he shouts]


[And gets cut off over the roar of the bolt spell penetrating the center of the mech, the boy getting down as metal and debris from the annihilated chassis flies through the air. In an odd way, it's almost a godsend, considering the zombies behind him aren't smart enough to get down and are cut down by the flying debris. But hey. It kinda came at a pretty big cost.

He has to get out of there. If Pokey stays there any longer, he's going to be sick. There's nothing he can do, and he's going to be sick watching this and so he runs, with that unnatural speed fat kids seem to get when they need it at the most desperate moments, to find some place to stay. And hide.

And as long as he's alone, mourn.]


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