#50 -- Quit underestimating us (Radio Memory)

Jan 28, 2011 18:25

[A chair's legs are coming up & down off the floor, the sound of tape-wrap coming off the roll can be heard, and the definite rustling of clothing alongside two men shouting]

That hurts, dickwad! Wrap with goddamn care! [This is Smoke's voice, loud and clear]

This is nothin'! Deal with it! I already said -- now, now -- should do it an' not me! [This is a young adult male's voice, some would recognize as an older Meatbun. The green is clearly not his voice, but an older man Smoke's age.]

Hell no!! The monkey makes the wounds, the monkey fixes the wounds!

Aw, c'mon. I didn't hurt you that--

THREE RIBS! YOU BROKE THREE RIBS! That a big frickin' deal! [Smoke's voice definitely got louder & angrier there]

I said I'm sorry. [Meatbun/Goku is grumbling a little]

Bah! I want you to think about what you did. [Smoke is being snide here] First you go on a rampage, then you sleep while the rest of us're hurt--

I'm sorry. ... ... I'm really, really sorry. [The sadness and frustration was much more evident in Meatbun/Goku's voice that time]

... *sigh* [Then comes the sound of someone being forcibly yanked closer]


Moron. Ease up, okay? [Smoke's voice is suddenly much softer and empathetic... almost brotherly] What you did wasn't wrong. Remember that. It was the only way for us to beat Kougaiji. And hey, it turned out all right. Right? [This is accompanied by a hair ruffle. The red voice sounds like a shout during combat, and not Smoke/Gojyo's voice]

Uh... mm. I still don't remember it. Or I don't remember things, anyway. [Meatbun/Goku sounds like he's both horrified and yet blaming himself] But I remember my hands. I was really tryin' to kill. An' I wasn't just after Kougaiji either. I was gonna kill you. An' -- now, now. An' ... -- just die -- even. [The green is the same voice as earlier, while the purple sounds like Moon. Meatbun/Goku is verging into sad tones in his voice now] That's why I ... I ...

*THWOCK!!* [It's the sound of something heavy impacting a human skull]

ERK. WHAT TH' HELL, -- geez ow -- ?! [Meatbun/Goku sounds like he did at the beginning now. The black voice sounds like Smoke.]

Quit underestimating us, you little snot. [Smoke's voice is firm and retaliatory, like he was just seriously insulted] Do you really think we suck so hard that you could kill us? First off - cut your disgusting little apology for killing me. Open your eyes. I look dead to you? [Sarcasm and 'tough love' enter his voice now] You couldn't kill me when you tried. Too. Bad.

[There's the sound of a door opening and Smoke's tone visibly shifts to the comic-charmer] 'Sides, I'm already planning on dying with a beauty on top of me. I'd never let someone as stupid as you kill me.

That hurt, you perverted kappa! Eat this!

[The memory fades out to the sound of wry laughter from West/Hakkai] Ah ha ha... [It's clear now that it was his admonishments from twice earlier]

[Added when the radio crackled-laughter fades away] ... Well that's a relief.

[[OOC: Memory comes from Volume 6, Chapter 34: Always -- on Mangafox this is Page 11 through Page 16. The dialogue is mostly taken from the official Tokypop books, as opposed to Mangafox.]]

!es event - radio memories, life is for the living so live it up, ! edensphere - journal entry, new forms of crazy, bonds of friendship, not as tough as i try to be, it's the little things in life, ! edensphere - memory

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