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Comments 39

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isis2015 July 2 2011, 21:08:12 UTC
Thank you. :)


murphyboy11 July 2 2011, 11:17:37 UTC
WHOAAAAA! You always make such amazing icons!
Awesome job :D


isis2015 July 2 2011, 21:07:34 UTC
Thanks. :D


gottalovev July 2 2011, 13:32:40 UTC
great batch darling!


isis2015 July 2 2011, 21:07:20 UTC
Thank you hun! ♥


firefly1344 July 2 2011, 14:33:03 UTC
Empire Records! I love that movie!

The icons are beautiful. :)


isis2015 July 2 2011, 21:06:56 UTC
Great movie. :)

I'm glad you like them, thank you.


abbylover23 July 2 2011, 17:04:34 UTC
i love all your FRIENDS icons and that Jate icon through the glass- such a gorgeous scene <33


isis2015 July 2 2011, 21:06:30 UTC
That's one of my favorite scenes of the whole series. Matthew and Evi were amazing. :)

I'm glad you like them, thank you.


abbylover23 July 3 2011, 21:17:33 UTC
omg i agree, that's why i requested it because it's one of my favourites- there's so much emotion from the look on his face when he sees it's her to the way you can see his heartbreak when he realises it's all about Sawyer, MY POOR BB JACK! but yes, i could never find good icons of it, and now i have too many to choose from!


isis2015 July 3 2011, 21:37:25 UTC
"Did they hurt you" is right up there with my favorite lines for them, right behind "I couldn't find you". What can I say? I like simple lines with a ton of meaning behind them. ;)


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