Community 1.07: Introduction to Statistics: An Abed as Batman Picspam

Nov 03, 2009 21:08

I don't think I'm alone in thinking that Abed as Batman was pretty much the highlight of Community's Halloween episode. I was constantly cracking up throughout the episode, and the final bit of the episode with Troy and Abed was pure genius (as it always is). I hope everyone enjoys this, and if you're not watching this show, seriously, what are you waiting for? You really are missing out.

There’s a storm building on the horizon, but you and I will save the night. Chex Mix, pretzels, baby carrots…PREDICTABLE BUT APPETIZING.

Troy: Hey.
Abed: Hey.
Troy: Can I ask you something I always wanted to ask the real Batman?
Abed: Yeah…
Troy: Am I good lookin’?
Abed: You’re a very attractive young man.
Troy: I knew it.

Jeff, you must return to Annie's party. She's feeling unpopular.

I know I'm not Batman. You could try not being a jerk.

Jeff: Batman.
Abed: Yeah.
Jeff: Are you staying for the party?
Abed: If I stay, there can be no party.

I must be out there in the night, staying vigilant. Wherever a party needs to be saved, I’m there. Wherever there are masks, wherever there’s tomfoolery and joy, I’m there. But sometimes I’m not, because I’m out in the night, and I’m staying vigilant. Watching, lurking, running, jumping, hurdling, sleeping. No, I can’t sleep. You sleep. I’m awake, I don’t sleep, I don’t blink. Am I a bird? No, I’m a bat. I am Batman. Or am I? Yes, I am Batman. Happy Halloween.

Troy: I'm Batman.
Abed: You sound like Cookie Monster.
Troy: I'm Batman.
Abed: That's Batman.
Troy: Candy corn looks like tiny traffic cones.
Abed: Yeah, it sure does.
Troy: At like a candy traffic school. Like a little gingerbread man at the wheel, and he’s drunk.
Abed: Look out.

Troy: We driving, but you keep wanting to eat yourself.
Abed: All day.
Troy: That’s one of my biggest fears.
Abed: What is?
Troy: If I ever like woke up as a donut.
Abed: You would eat yourself?
Troy: I wouldn’t even question it.
Abed: Mmm, that’d be tasty.
Troy: It’s cool to know other people think about this stuff too.

misc: picspam, tv: community

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