Well done on keeping up the 100% completion rate. I've missed a few days a month for the past few months. It was either that or drop out, so I thought I'd rather take a more relaxed approach. But I really admire those who have managed not to miss a single day.
Yes- it's the spirit of the thing, really. I've found that my interest in photography has really picked up, and I'm taking some really creative shots. On the other hand, I think sometimes it's important to give yourself permission to take a crap shot, just to get it done. Or to take a day off if you want to! But I think I'd be very disappointed in myself if I missed a day after all this time - nearly half way!
Comments 3
Well done on keeping up the 100% completion rate. I've missed a few days a month for the past few months. It was either that or drop out, so I thought I'd rather take a more relaxed approach. But I really admire those who have managed not to miss a single day.
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