My friends B&J came over for dinner last night, bringing with them their teenage dog, Lucy. I made a fancy version of what my mum called "cheese pudding" and the magazines call a "strata" and seem to think is only for brunch. I like eggy cheesy things at any time of day, and B&J are vegetarians, so it seemed like a nice light supper dish. I
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Comments 3
We have three cats who mostly go outside but the previous kitty was an indoor cat box user. I can totally identify with finding the right litter. I will try SWheat or Feline Pine if any of them ever want to use the box again. I check it once a week or so to make sure none of them are using it. I can't quite figure out why, if I'm not the cat person in the household and they aren't MY cats, I'm the one doing the cat potty maintenance as well as the dog potty maintenance (pick up), but that's how it goes...
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