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Jul 28, 2010 22:03

[Most of Reiner's day had been spent in the library, looking through literature for the usual things he was searching for. Eventually, he takes a break and heads for the buffet for a small meal before heading back to the library for more reading ( Read more... )

shouldn't be saying this, novels, comment log

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faeriexprincess July 29 2010, 03:36:42 UTC
[Amaria's just been hiding in her room again; without her memories things are rather... confusing, so she's been trying to force them to come back.

All it's gotten her is a huge headache and an empty stomach, so to the buffet she goes for some food. Seeing someone else there is always nice; she can learn things from people, after all.]



faeriexprincess July 30 2010, 02:57:23 UTC
Unless you can give me my memory back, I don't think there's much anyone can do.

[She's totally joking; Ama doesn't expect anyone to be able to do that, obviously.]

It's okay, though; I've been wandering around the ship hoping something will trigger a memory. It's worked... a little.


internalcage July 30 2010, 03:02:13 UTC
What was able to help you out?

[He paused and glanced down at his hands. Still debating inside his head.]


faeriexprincess July 30 2010, 03:08:04 UTC
Just... certain things will trigger little memories, but nothing major. And... a girl named Mimmi says I was here before, and made me remember that I'm a faerie.

[She laughs a little, munching on another cookie. Its kind of nice to talk about it.]

And just staring at my room made me remember that the buildings are made of marble, wherever it is I'm from. That's about it so far, though.


internalcage July 30 2010, 03:32:56 UTC
Well that's good.

[He smiles a little more.]

I guess you'll need to find the next clue.


faeriexprincess July 30 2010, 04:00:09 UTC
I guess so. But... sometimes things will seem familiar, to, but I won't remember anything. Like this.

[She tugs on the silver chain around her neck, lifting the pendant; it's a pointed crystal with a little metal dragon curled around the top.]

I know it's important, but can't remember why. But maybe it will come back eventually.


internalcage July 30 2010, 04:07:17 UTC
[He moves in closer, peering at the pendant.]

I hope so too. Its a beautiful piece of jewelry.

[He sits back down and that nagging feeling in the back of his head returns. He really does want to help her.]


faeriexprincess July 30 2010, 04:38:13 UTC
It is; it always feels... warm, to, for some reason.

[Ama drops the pendant and munches on her cookie again, content. She is worried about it, really, she's just very good at seeming un-frazzled. Besides, its nice to just... relax with someone.]


internalcage July 30 2010, 04:54:47 UTC
Is it because of the crystal?

[He tilted his head and decided to take a forkful of food to eat. Much to his surprise, Reiner felt quite content being like this as well.]


faeriexprincess July 30 2010, 05:41:45 UTC
I think so, but I'm not sure. Here, you'll feel it.

[Ama doesn't even think twice before pulling the chain off over her head, holding it out so that the pendant dangles in the air and he can take it. The lack of warmth against her chest feels... weird, but not bad.]


internalcage July 30 2010, 05:46:00 UTC
Ah, its alright, real--.

[But she was already holding it out to him. Feeling bad, he takes it in to his hands, running a thumb over it. He can't feel the warmth and without realizing it, a sad expression has crossed his face.]


faeriexprincess July 30 2010, 05:51:14 UTC
[She's startled when his expression changes, frowning. What-]

Reiner? What's wrong?


internalcage July 30 2010, 05:56:38 UTC
[He blinked a few times before handing back the pendant.]

Ah... I was just thinking about something, that's all.


faeriexprincess July 30 2010, 06:11:23 UTC

[She doesn't quite believe him, but its not her place to press him. Ama takes the pendant back and loops it around her neck again, noting it's cold for a second before warmth touches her skin again. Strange.]

That's weird... I'd thought it would stay warm all the time. I guess not, I'm sorry.


internalcage July 30 2010, 06:14:53 UTC
It happens, don't worry about it.

[He tried to be reassuring.]


faeriexprincess July 30 2010, 16:54:59 UTC
If you say so.

[She's just gonna munch on a cookie and worry about it anyways.]


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