| | 014 | | Voice | | Aged-Down | |

Mar 05, 2010 18:40

[The communicator is turned on but its constantly clattering to the floor and there's paniced breaths of a 15 year old Reiner. Sadly, this was during the time he recieved his curse and his hands to shoulders were bleeding constantly and no signs of his protective bandages that his older self had.]

So..Someone... please help... me.

It won't stop..

event, memories, never to see his family again, comment log, voice

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dukealla March 6 2010, 04:03:32 UTC
Six.. six... AH!

[Duke frantically turns round in a circle.

...three times...

And he hes off! Here comes Mr. Red Coat, trying to find the quickest way to Deck 6.]

Ah! These will do!

[He passes the elevator and goes directly for the stairs but By the time he reaches the 6th deck he was panting, looking around for a door.

"What door was it again?"]

Oh dear...

[he just looks for someone bleeding, in hopes maybe they're hanging outside their door.]


diverged_fate March 6 2010, 04:08:42 UTC
[Unlike the pink haired bob of energy, Keats is silently prowling the other half of deck six. Slowly counting off the door numbers and keeping aware of his surroundings. He's definitely expecting an attack, or something like that. Wouldn't trust this place as far as he could throw it.

So he freezes up when he catches sight of a panting... flamboyantly dressed creature, who reminded him of someone dressed up as a Lordsmen. A strange thought. He shakes his head and continues to look around-- keeping an eye out the whole time.

When he's close enough.]

You wouldn't be looking for that bleeding man, would you?


dukealla March 6 2010, 04:17:03 UTC
[It takes Duke a moment for his fumbled mind to understand he was being spoken to. He tries to straiten his tense posture and nods at Keats]

Yes, sir. That is indeed who I'm looking for... [He opened his mouth to ask if Keats was the Bleeding Man but his mind caught him. Obviously this man could not be the Bleeding Man because he is not bleeding at all... unless the Bleeding Man is hallucinating that he is bleeding... then, he wouldn't be bleeding at all, would he? Only one way to find out. Ask.]

Do you happen know his whereabouts? It appears in my moment of haste, I've misplaced the room number he indicated to me over this speaker box.


diverged_fate March 6 2010, 04:21:46 UTC
[What is this guy? He's not sure whether to laugh, or glare... or be even more suspicious. This could be an act. He shakes his head-- not at the question-- but at the odd creature in general.]

'6' 7271. You know him or something?

[After all, this man does seem rather... disturbed by the stranger's predicament.

He slides both hands into his jacket pockets. An air of false, cold ease.]

We might as well see if he's actually in there.


dukealla March 6 2010, 04:27:22 UTC
No, I've never met the gentleman, but I wouldn't wish for him to bleed to death. No creature should bleed to death. It's an awful feeling, I'm sure... not that I've had the unpleasantry to have gone through such a thing, but-

...I digress. Seven-Two-Seven-One...

[Duke gives Keats a glance over before looking for that door. Why was this kid so calm?]

What do you mean if he's actually there? Do you believe a bleeding man would lie about his whereabouts?


diverged_fate March 6 2010, 04:33:00 UTC
Right... but it happens all the time. If you act like this over every person who gets hurt... [Shrug. He's almost not believing it.]

That should be a few doors from here.

[Taking off at a seemingly relaxed glide, though he keeps wanting to reach for his nonexistent gun. Not that he needs one if it comes to that.]

Why don't you ask him? He's in there bleeding to death because he tried to help someone--supposedly. You'd be surprised what people will do.


dukealla March 6 2010, 04:43:07 UTC
Tried to help someone...?

[He feels bad. That's happened to him quite a few times.]

All the more reason he needs help, is it not, sir?

[Duke was about to ask how this man knew such a fine detail but shoves it away to catch up and is a step or two ahead of Keats now. He stops at the slightly cracked door and knocks a little before he lets himself in. As soon as Duke's face pokes through the door his teeth clench. The sight causes him to step back from the doorway.]


internalcage March 6 2010, 04:52:03 UTC
[After informing the two of his location, Reiner had retreated back to his room and stared at the endless river of blood from his cuts that appeared out of no where. He glanced up at the knock.

His voice was trembling from the shock and pain.]

Is... someone there?


diverged_fate March 6 2010, 05:24:59 UTC
[Keats hesitates at the sight-- but not for the same reasons as Duke. Wary suspicion breaks the icy calmness of his expression. He looks around to get a general idea of the room before stepping inside. Which he did with his hands still casually in his pockets.

He heads right over to the man and kneels down, a little disconcerted by the bloodflow.]

...you shouldn't still be alive. Not bleeding like that. [That said, he glances around for cloths to use as tourniquets.]


dukealla March 6 2010, 05:36:07 UTC
[Duke steps back inside, slowly following after Keats. Looking at the trails of blood Duke wonders at what Keats says.]

Perhaps he isn't human, sir.

[Duke comes closer, hesitantly but tries to see the man and where all the blood is exactly coming from. He was no medic, and his own wounds normally healed quickly, so he was pretty helpless.]

H- How did this even happen?


internalcage March 6 2010, 05:47:54 UTC
[There should be clothing in the closet that isn't something a 15 year old can wear due the length. The boy looks between Keats and Duke before down at his own arms. From finger-tip to shoulder, several gashes constantly coming and going. He takes a deep breath and tries to focus on talking, not much luck though.]

I... tried to help someone who was bleeding. Everyone else was walking by... then the next thing I know... I'm grabbed and... this happened.


diverged_fate March 6 2010, 05:56:37 UTC
[Keats notices the odd fit of the clothes... after another suspicious glance around, he shrugs. Maybe this kid just appeared in this room somehow. While he's puzzling it out, he tears up some of the heavier strips of cloth from a shirt and heads back over to the other two.

Wordlessly, he tries wrapping the cloth around and then sharply pulling it tight. He's not expecting it to work exactly...]

Not human huh... Or maybe the person who did this to you wasn't.


dukealla March 6 2010, 06:03:15 UTC
[Duke watches Keats as he listens to the other explain the incident]

People were just walking by...? [That sounds suspicious. The whole thing looks painful but Duke wondered how much of it was pain and how much of it was actual fear.]

What did they look like? Did you see a face?

[Duke turns to Keats]

Is that working...?


internalcage March 6 2010, 06:13:45 UTC
[He shook his head as a no before letting out several ows at Keats tightening the cloth around his arm.

He wasn't aware of his ability of learning about other people through skin contact either.]

I... didn't see anything.


diverged_fate March 7 2010, 04:04:13 UTC
[Keats is frowning down at the tourniquet. Pressure or not, he can already see the blood darkening the cloth. He's also taking definite care not to touch Reiner... if only because of his story, and the unnatural look of his injuries. He wouldn't exactly want that transferred to himself somehow.]

Can't tell yet... If it doesn't... [He rests his chin on his palm, coldly considering.]


dukealla March 7 2010, 04:50:35 UTC
I wonder if there is some sort of Medical facility upon this vessel? I may not look the strongest of men but carrying a gentlemen of his size shouldn't be a problem, if needed.

[Duke wasn't aware of any abilities other then his own. All he wanted to do was help but the fact he couldn't do much but sit there and watch this man in his misery bothered him greatly.]


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