Title: Blissful Ignorance (or The Folly of a Fool)
enchantedteapotCharacters: Zacharias Smith/Asteria Greengrass (implied Draco Malfoy/Asteria Greengrass)
Prompt number: 154
Word Count: ~7000
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Bad language, scenes of a violent and sexual nature, a whole lotta angst.
Summary: His relationship with Asteria brought Zacharias
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Comments 15
I've never considered this pair before, but this story certainly has got my mind interested.
To be honest, I'm still not even sure but I kind of like it that way ;)
*sigh* Slytherins can be so sneaky.
Love the memories, love the way that Smith does not notice how their "love" was crumbling down around him.
Also loved the end; one cannot really escape love, can they?
I'm so pleased you said that, that was one theme I was desperate to get in there - the idea of everyone almost being trapped in this endless cycle, whether they want to be or realise they are or not. It's quite a haunting idea, don't you think?
Thank you for the lovely review!
I think I did envisage something along the lines of Astoria gradually realising Zacharias wasn't all he was cracked up to be, whilst simultaneously being swept up by Draco - although I did try and keep it ambiguous. Half the time I was writing this, I was itching to write the same events from either her or Draco's POV. Really love the idea of Draco seeing the weakness and the strain between the two of them and pouncing... Will have to wait for a rainy day I think :D
Zacharias was fantastic fun to write and I'm not usually a fan very good with the minor characters so I'm so pleased he came across as real enough and fleshed out. I wasn't so sure I liked him either writing this!
Thank you so much again for the wonderful prompt, it was a creative gem!!
This is beautifully written start to finish and structured very well. I was in suspense the whole time, wondering what had happened and if he was going to take the potion and what it would do to him. Great job!
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