hurt!Sam Comment Fic Meme: The Curse of Mononucleosis

Nov 14, 2012 13:36

Prompt by ladykorana: Sam has mono, which gives the boys a great excuse to take some time off and enjoy Christmas at Bobby's house. Bobby tries to give them the works, even though Sam keeps falling asleep through a lot of it. Lots of fussing over feverish Sam, please!

Warning: Slight wincest.

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supernatural, hurt!sam, sam winchester / dean winchester, dean winchester, shortfic, fanfiction, hurt/comfort, 2012, wincest, sam winchester, spnfanfic

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Comments 10

ladykorana November 15 2012, 01:55:06 UTC
OMG, this is *exactly* what I have always wanted in a mono fic!! So much lovely sleepy sick Sam, and all the lovely caring and awesome yet teasing big bro Dean. The Christmas attempt was lovely, yay Bobby!

The wincesty ending was the cherry on top that I didn't even realize I wanted until I got it!

In conclusion: I loved it, and thank you so SO much for filling my prompt!


interflora November 15 2012, 16:49:14 UTC
haha no problem! I felt bad about the slash, cause I hate to ignore what the prompter wants, but like I said, just couldn't resist! So, I'm glad you liked it :')


shangrilada November 15 2012, 03:44:42 UTC
omg looooove this!!


interflora November 15 2012, 16:49:29 UTC
Thank you!!!! :')


jasmineisland November 15 2012, 17:09:45 UTC
I love sick!sam with caring!dean. And the look on Bobby's face when Dean comes down with it? OMG LMAO


interflora November 15 2012, 21:03:14 UTC
I guess they can always pretend they used the same silverware and see if that gets past Bobby... somehow I don't think so ;)


jagfanlj February 5 2013, 07:26:43 UTC
*quickly adds to memories*

I love this! You gave us sick Sam, worried Dean, and Santa Bobby determined to give the boys at least one good Christmas memory. then you topped it all with the ultimate Awesome Sauce, of a luscious Wincesty kiss.


interflora February 11 2013, 19:36:33 UTC
Hahaha thank you!!! :')


hidden_easel February 19 2013, 09:27:48 UTC
Best last line ever!


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