Is it too early to use my "holiday cheer" icon? I DON'T CARE, I LOVE IT. Plus, I heard Christmas music at the Bath & Body Works yesterday, so I think I'm totally justified. Woo @ holidays being constantly advertised/promoted earlier and earlier! Next thing you know, Christmas stuff will be coming out at the 4th of July! /random tangent
In honor of the fact that I now have over 60 people following this journal (holy cow - thanks, guys!), I'm going to do an icon meme stolen from
diana_hawthorne, but without the "you have to repost this in your journal" part.
1.) comment and I'll pick some of your LJ interests and make you an icon (or 2 or 3 ) - or base it on what you have for current icons if you don't have interests.
2.) you have no say in what i make.
3.) these will not be shareable, only for your use - unless you don't care. You're welcome to put whatever you want in your keywords. I know it matters to some people and not to others.