OFF THE RECORD: Guin & Olivia's Chat Log

Aug 06, 2008 23:12

Olivia (10:54): JJ's causing trouble again, I see
Guin (10:54): I don't know what do to about her, sometimes.
Olivia (10:55): at least she makes a splash in the media. that's gotta be a good thing, sometimes, right?
Guin (10:55): Tell that to Britney Spears.
Olivia (10:55): or, you know. I shouldn't say this, Guin, but maybe she just needs a steadying influence
Guin (10:56): ...what are you angling for? what do you want, Liv?
Olivia (10:56): oh, no, I don't want anything - I'm just saying, if you want her to stay tame, sometimes you've gotta tie her down
Guin (10:57): Okay.
Guin (10:58): Wait, what does that mean?
Olivia (10:58): maybe you could -
Guin (10:59): You.
Guin (11:00): Yuh.
Guin (11:00): You broke my spelling. Do not break the spelling of your manager.
Olivia (11:01): look, I mean - I know you don't, okay
Guin (11:01): I need my spelling for manager things.
Olivia (11:02): half of it is her trying to get your attention. trust me, I've known her a lot longer than you have
Guin (11:03): I don't think I should listen to this. I think this is a bad idea, and what are you trying to set us up for, anyway?
Olivia (11:04): Jesus, paranoid much?
Olivia (11:04): look, just forget I said anything
Guin (11:04): Yes, that will be very easy. I will get on that.
Olivia (11:05): Just don't let her get you so riled up, okay?
Guin (11:05): Right. No riling. Don't you have songs to write or hair to curl or something? I think I have some extremely important Garry Way footage to watch.
Olivia (11:05): that dude is crazy, Guin, and I'm not wearing any fucking feather boas on stage. but yeah, I have a date with Eve and the lyrics for sad stories. we should get the aesthetic lyrics up tomorrow. I want people singing along on the first day of the tour
Guin (11:06): Goodnight, Liv.
Olivia (11:06): night, Guin

Mod Note: We're figuring out the rules of this as we go along, but assume that all OFF THE RECORD posts are just that: backstage events, things that don't turn up in the media, even things that not all the band members know about. Such is the complexity of group fiction.

guin/jj, band drama, off the record, insanity boat

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