Creepy ballet movie

Dec 11, 2010 19:25

I want to see it. Black Swan that is. It looks twisted, ugly, and beautiful all at the same time. I'm planning on going to go next weekend sometime. Anyone want to join me?


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Comments 6

inlovewithnight December 12 2010, 00:44:12 UTC
Twisted, ugly, and beautiful is a good summary of it.


insptr_penguin December 12 2010, 19:36:49 UTC
Worth seeing though?


inlovewithnight December 12 2010, 21:42:34 UTC
I think so, but if you have any worries about common triggers, you might want to read up a little more on it before seeing it. It definitely hits some big ones.


mlledesade December 12 2010, 00:45:40 UTC
Sure. I've been thinking of seeing it myself, so it would be nice to have someone to go with. Plus I haven't seen you all semester. :)


insptr_penguin December 12 2010, 19:39:07 UTC
Awesome! It would be great to see you too. It can be our reward after finishing exams. I was thinking of going either Friday or Sunday. My schedule hasn't solidified yet for the weekend though. Do you have a preference?


mlledesade December 12 2010, 19:41:31 UTC
I am open both days/nights. Just let me know when. :)


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