Title: Where is Christmas?
Characters and Pairings: Harry/Draco, with a side of Ron/Hermione, Luicus, Narcissa, Molly, Arthur, Rose, Hugo, George/Angelina
Genre: Angst/Fluff Romance
dracoharry100 's Christmas 2010 [incorporating all 31 prompts]
Rating: PG13+
Word Count: ~6,250
Warnings: Angst and graphic foreplay
Summary: Harry and Draco disagree on where
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Comments 5
Awww, sooo cute! Very Christmassy, and very you as well. I love how their all working around each others faults and idiosyncracies at the start when dressing the tree, and then of course the cutre and happy ending XD!!!
third volume of Le Morte d’Arthur
LOL... is this you subtly trying to remind me to watch Merlin already?
One note of critisism... you tend to overuse the boys first names. Maybe try and throw in a "the blond" or "the former hero" to mix it up a bit!
Glad you liked it :P
Err... where was that in the fic? I seriously don't remember writing that in?... But yes... I soooo put it in to remind you to watch Merlin...(Did it work? cos, like, if it worked then I'll take that :P)
Yeah, that sounds about right for me. Thanks for the tip! I'll remember that if I ever end up editing it and posting it elsewhere
*more hugs*
I like how instead of trying to sort out the issue of where to spend christmas, they ignore it and push it aside. They are both as stubborn as each other :P But it was cute how they couldn't stay away and left to be with the other in the end.
And I like the fact that even though they have been together for seven years, the Malfoys are still not 100% happy about it and not as accepting as the Weasleys, how very Malfoy-like :P
Hehe, good job! :) *hugs*
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