Drabbles [Bam/Ryan]

Oct 29, 2005 15:52

Another Three Drabbles.

All Bam/Ryan.

I really need to get back to my Johnny...

=Title= A Year and Three Months
=Author= SaddisticPuppy
=Rating= PG

A Year and Three Months

We had been too worried about other people to get on with it and be happy. A year and three months down the line and I just want you back.

I suppose I could say that’s what made me do it. I grabbed you, pulled you to my room and just let it out. Hot kisses, quiet moans, breathy sighs and silent screams.

It had been too long since I had felt you against me, since I had tasted you, since we had just lay there in each others arms, tired, heavy limbs tangled together as we whispered ‘I love you’ to one another.

I know you didn’t expect me to just go for it, right there and then. Dinner with everyone, eventful as always, and we both know I like the drama. Ape had just said something about nothing being able to shock her now, I think I managed it.

With a grab of your gorgeous blond curls I yanked your head back before sealing my lips over yours and proceeding to practically rape your mouth right there in front of everyone. When we broke apart I had casually turned to Ape and smiled, ‘I’m screwing Dunn, and I’m in love.’

Now neither of use care about our public shows of affection, I like being able to sit on your lap at dinner, it’s good to be out in the open with you. If only we’d done it a year and three months ago.


~TITLE~ Best Friends Forever
~NOTE~ For dothebullwinkle, I really enjoyed the song too.
Based on the song ‘Seventy Times Seven’ by Brand New.

When you say best friends, it means friends forever.

Best Friends Forever

Best friends, that’s what everyone thinks we are. That I’m your closest buddy and you’re mine. And I guess we never really portrayed otherwise. During Jackass, during the CKY videos, hell, even on the Haggard stuff, we’re always best friends.

I guess it was because I went to all the demos with you, but I was just your friend because Jenn was there too. No on ever contemplated that you ended up in my bed more often than hers.

But you broke up with Jenn a million times, and you and I were no different, sometimes you just did it for the make up sex, others we really did let the insults fly. There were a few times before now where I figured it was the end of us.

But here we are now, me on one side of the country, you on the other, hardly talking and I can’t bring myself to pick up the phone and just apologise.

When you say best friends, it means friends forever. I wish we could go back to that, but things are all different and complicated and I really don’t see it ever being the same between us ever again, best friend.


+TITLE+ Subtle
+NOTE+ Talk of boysex


Bam never actually bothered with subtlety. He just couldn’t be bothered with the covert, sneaky, back handed way of working. Least of all with his relationships.

Why bother sneaking off for a quick grope and kiss when he could just do it in front of the camera and just shrug it off as playful friendly behaviour? Slap of the ass, a cuddle, a kiss. All friendly.

He wasn’t exactly lying, he had never actually stepped forward and admitted to being in a relationship with Dunn, but then he’d never denied it either. They were close, sometimes people would pick up on how close, but no one ever asked, so Bam didn’t have to answer.

Bam didn’t believe it was really anyone else’s business, their close friends and family knew, that was enough for them. If they ever chose to go public then that was up to them, and Bam had the inkling that few people would be terribly shocked.

So no, Bam wasn’t subtle, but he wasn’t obvious. But the desire to just kick out the cameras and hump Ryan right there on the table was growing pretty strong, and he may just have to give in to that temptation.


Feedback keeps me happy.

character: bam margera, genre: slash, pairing: bam/ryan, genre: drabbles, fandom: jackass, warning: rps, character: ryan dunn, author: torncorpse, rating: pg-13

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