For Your Love & To My Love [Bam/Ryan implied]

Oct 29, 2005 02:38

Disclaimer: Me No Own

AN: Two Drabbles that follow each other.

=WARNING= Talk of suicide and sorta deathfic-ish.

A Summary would sorta give it all away and stuff so...if you read the first bit you'll get it.

Ry's POV
For Your Love

You had asked me once what I would do to prove I loved you. I told you I’d die to prove it. You had just laughed, kissed me and smiled. I know you think I wasn’t serious, but I would die just for you.

That’s why I’m here. You need to live more than me, I can’t live without you, and I’d die to prove I love you. The gun is in my hand, and although this isn’t the way I want to go, it’s the best way.

I can still be with you this way; you’ll always have something of me, the most important part of me. I put the trigger to my head, reminding myself that you need this, that you’re the one I’m doing this for.

You’ll have my heart Bam, always and forever, because yours is broken, and mine will heal you.

With a final thought of you and the note in my hand, I pull the trigger and think of you.


Bam's POV
To My Love

You never looked at the bigger picture, did you? Never thought outside the box, never considered the rest of the world. I had always been top priority, and it always made me smile. It still does.

You put my happiness before your own. You put my needs before your own. You put my health before your own. You put my life before your own.

I could kill you if I didn’t love you so much, but I couldn’t even do that. You once told me you’d die for me; I never expected you’d need to. But they said I had a hole in my heart, and I got scared, but you said you’d fix it.

I didn’t understand how, I just knew you would. I wasn’t prepared to be taken into surgery within the hour, I didn’t expect to come out to listen to Dico tell me what had happened.

You’d blown your brain over the bathroom wall so that your heart wouldn’t be damaged. You’d ended your own life so that I could go on. I didn’t know if I should’ve been angry, flattered or heartbroken.

I wasn’t though, my heart was fixed, I had yours. Your perfect, loving heart. I’ll never forget you, neither will anyone else, I won’t let it happen. I love you, Ryan Dunn, I always will, and I’ll always cherish what you gave me.


So, it's 230 words on a first attempt with no editing. I felt it had to be drabble-ish, cause it's not fitting to make it too long.

Sorry about the morbidity, but...*shrug* It's just what happens to me sometimes.

Feedback keeps me sane...ish

character: bam margera, genre: slash, pairing: bam/ryan, rating: r, fandom: jackass, warning: rps, warning: death fic, character: ryan dunn, author: torncorpse

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