Tension [Bam/Ryan]

Oct 15, 2005 21:42

Disclaimer: Not mine, don’t know them, never happened.

AN: A plot bunnie from dothebullwinkle, love ya girl.

Summary: Bam’s got it all inside, and now he has to let it out.

Rating: NC-17 for boy-sex

Pairing: Bam/Ryan


Ryan just stood there and watched him. He was probably one of the only ones who would never get involved, he wouldn’t join in, he wouldn’t try to stop it, he wouldn’t even try to talk to Bam. He would just stand there and watch it and when it was over he would casually ask if Bam wanted a beer and they’d head off to the nearest bar. That was how it always went, or at least that’s how it usually did.

This time, Ryan wasn’t prepared to do so.

Bam was inches away from one of April’s favourite vases, a vase that had been there for the filming and hadn’t been taken home to Phil and Ape’s house yet. As fun as it was to watch April freak out, Ryan had seen many of April’s little treasures get destroyed, hell, it was usually Dunn who broke them. Bam had just turned, not even looking at what it was he was about to pick up, for all he knew it could’ve been his, it could’ve been Dunn’s, it could’ve been MTV’s. All Bam knew was that he wanted to break something and it was sitting there ready.

“No.” Ryan said firmly as he grabbed both of Bam’s wrists and held them out to the side, eagle spread. “No more right now.” Ryan said, sounding much calmer than he felt. Bam was very volatile; the potential for getting hit was very high. This was probably a bad idea.

“Dunn, let me the fuck go!” Bam hissed, he pulled at his wrists, trying to get them free, but Dunn always had been that little bit stronger. Ryan steered Bam towards the sofa, pushing the slighter male down and climbing on to straddle Bam, both wrists still held securely in Ryan’s hands.

“At the risk of sounding all psychiatrist and shit, why don’t you try talking about your problems for once?” Ryan asked, forcing Bam to lean back but unable to get him to look up. “I mean, what the hell brought this on?”

“Stupid fucking Novak!” Bam yelled, glaring up a Dunn. “Him and his stupid ‘I have insight’ crap.”

“Novak has insight?” Ryan asked, mildly distracted for a moment. “Insight into what?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Bam hissed, all anger returning to his voice and being directed straight at Dunn. “I want to break things, that’s how I deal, now move so I can break something.”

“Well, you’ll just have to break me, cause I’m not moving.” Dunn said, scooting forward slightly to get a little more comfortable. Ryan thought the hitch in Bam’s breathing was from anger, and the stiffness in his body was from the pent up frustration, but the look in his eyes, that was unplaceable for a moment. Until Bam lunged forwards, throwing both males to the floor.

Ryan was pinned, but not because of Bam’s weight, it was more because Bam had now straddled him and was proceeding to devour his lips like it was his last meal. Ryan didn’t even bother thinking, he just let Bam’s wrists go, the newly freed limbs instantly moving to Ryan’s hair and to cup his cheek as Ryan just held on to Bam’s hips and allowed Bam to map out his mouth. Bam started to rub against Ryan, enticing a few groans and thrusts in return, before Bam pulled his mouth away from Ryan’s and started to suck and bite on Ryan’s neck while his hands moved to undoing Ryan’s jeans.

Ryan tangled one hand in Bam’s hair while the other remained on Bam’s hips, thumb absently stroking the skin it found. Bam mewled against the touch, arching into it slightly and bringing their pelvises together, bringing another groan from Ryan’s lips as he arched to meet the other males erection, needing the friction suddenly. He didn’t care who it was that was on top of him right then, all he knew was that there was a hot body above him, a smooth, wet tongue on his throat and a desperate hand trying to get into his pants.

His jeans were roughly tugged away from his hips, Bam moving in for another harsh kiss that would leave a bruise before moving down to rest between Ryan’s legs. The gasp and thump of Ryan’s fist was all the noise in the room when Bam took Ryan into his mouth, the sudden warmth of the hot mouth startling the blond. A hand tangled in the dark hair, holding onto the bobbing head and thrusting just ever so slightly. Bam moved a hand, holding Ryan’s hips down while his other hand strayed down to his own erection, stroking it in time with his own ministrations on Ryan’s cock. The occasional flick of the tongue on Ryan’s head and every now and then Bam would deepthroat Ryan before removing his mouth completely.

Ryan was biting his lip hard enough to break the skin, the metallic taste of blood filling his mouth while he fought to keep the groans and moans at bay. Bam had no shame, there were hums of pleasure and soft mewls coming from him, vibrating along Ryan’s cock and heightening the whole thing. It wasn’t long before Ryan couldn’t hold out anymore, and with a shout and a strong grip on Bam’s hair he came, biting into his knuckle to try and muffle the shout.

Bam took the load and swallowed, still stroking his own erection. He nuzzled his head in Ryan’s stomach as he finally reached his peak and came on the carpet, the action registering somewhere but he didn’t quite have the energy to care.

Bam collapsed against Dunn’s body, Dunn’s arms instantly wrapping around Bam and stroking through his hair. They both just lay there for a while, trying to catch there breath and return to normal. Ryan was trying to focus on something to say, but his mind was blank. Bam had just gone down on him; he’d just got a blow job from his best friend. Surely there was something he was supposed to say.

“I guess that’s better than breaking things.” Ryan murmured eventually, frowning as the words came out of his mouth. Was that his voice? It really didn’t sound like it was; it was too … shaken to be his voice.

“Novak said I should get it over with and just screw you. Apparently we have some unresolved sexual tension going on and we should just deal with it.” Bam said, a little tired. Ryan thought about what he’d just said. Sexual tension? Between him and Bam? Where did that come from?

“Do you want to?” He asked suddenly, without thinking about it. Bam leaned up a little, resting his weight on his elbows, hovering over Ryan’s chest. They just looked at each other, properly looking. Ryan had never noticed how young Bam looked when his hair fell in his eyes, or how the light caught the blue eyes, making them sparkle slightly. He was about to say something, but Bam moved right then, making their lips come together again in a more gentle kiss. They didn’t rush; there was no aggression in it, just a gentle exploration. Ryan once more moved his hands to Bam’s hair as their tongue’s met, a small sigh escaping Bam. They hesitantly pulled apart.

“Yeah, I think we should maybe work something out.” Bam said with a nod and a pant.

“Well, the bedroom would probably be best.” Ryan commented, Bam moving back and pulling up his pants, Ryan doing the same. “Ape’s gonna have a shit fit about that stain.” He commented, getting a mischievous grin from Bam.

“Your point?” Ryan really didn’t have one, so he just nodded before Bam grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the bedroom. “Come on, we have some tension to resolve.”



Hope you liked it, it didn’t quiet go in the direction I wanted it too, and I wanted Bam to be a little more aggressive…but he wasn’t going to be so.

Love me, feed me, and never let me go.
Feedback = love.

character: bam margera, genre: slash, pairing: bam/ryan, rating: nc-17, fandom: jackass, warning: rps, character: ryan dunn, author: torncorpse

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