The Dinner Date [Claudia/Cutter] PG.

Jun 07, 2008 20:03

Title: The Dinner Date
Author: torncorpse/insomniacs_home
Pairings/Characters: Cutter/Claudia, Connor, Stephen
Rating: PG-13
AN: Kind of a sequel to ‘Of Plans and Failure’ but not really.
Disclaimer: I do not own.
Prompt 'Romantic' [kinda] prompt table

Summary: Claudia and Cutter get tricked into a date.

Connor wasn’t opposed to hiding in the bushes. Not if it got him what he wanted. In fact, he’d go as far as hiding behind plant pots and street bins if that was what it took. Stephen on the other hand was not so keen on this idea.

Over the space of three weeks Connor had somehow managed to get Stephen to assist in his vendetta, which included hiding behind plant pots, in trees, behind bushes, under tables and now behind a menu in a posh restaurant.

“Why am I here?” Stephen managed to keep his voice down, the hiss of complaint not deterring Connor a single ounce.

“Because it defeats the purpose of the point if I bring Abby and Ryan flat out refused.” Connor answered. He could still remember the look on Ryan’s face when he made the suggestion. He’d quickly taken the idea back and gone in search of Stephen to assist.

At current, Cutter was standing at the reservations table, trying to convince the waiter that he did have a Home Office party somewhere in the quaint little restaurant. It was humorous enough, but Connor and Stephen made a point of keeping their menus in front of their faces to avoid detection.

“Why couldn’t you just ask Cutter if he’d ask Claudia out? It’d make things ten times easier.” Stephen asked, peering out from behind his menu once more, waiting for Claudia to arrive - hopefully soon.

“I don’t think they’re supposed to know that they’re on a date.” Connor answered. In truth he wasn’t really too concerned with whether or not they knew it, the outcome would hopefully be the same. They’d have a relatively nice dinner, he’d tell Abby, she’d have to make good on their deal and maybe, if he were lucky, Professor Cutter and Miss Brown would make a nice couple. “I mean, they do like each other, right? It’s not like I’m setting the Professor up with Lester or anything.” Stephen choked on a laugh and turned his head to the wall, fighting off the coughing fit.

“Connor, lets stay away from the damaging mental images, shall we?” Connor apologised quietly before glancing back at the door.

“Stephen, Claudia’s here!” Connor thought he was getting good at covert talking, Stephen didn’t. Sure enough though Claudia Brown had just entered the restaurant. She and Cutter stood talking for a moment or two while the waiter just watched them. “Do you think the waiter will realise that there’s a reservation under Cutter’s name?”

The waiter seemed more interested in watching the small argument in front of him than any real interest in seating or getting rid of the guests. Eventually however, it did appear he’d noticed the names and that there was supposed to be a party for Cutter. There was a slight pause between the pair, both looking from the waiter to each other and then back. It would’ve been comical if Stephen and Connor were sure that no one would be killed for this. The waiter led them to a nice table in the middle of the restaurant, set for two with a bottle of champagne and a lit candle burning. Stephen was mildly impressed at the length Connor went to for this.

Both Connor and Stephen were able to slowly relax as the dinner went on, until round about the dessert when it seemed Cutter had put his foot in his mouth as usual. “Do you think she’ll walk out?” Connor mumbled, both of them still hiding down in the back booth.

“From the looks of it she’s going to stab him with her spoon.” Stephen replied, noticing how Cutter was fumbling through an apology and only making it worse. “You’d think by now he’d learn how to get him out of these situations.”

“This happens a lot?”

“Why do you think he doesn’t date?” Stephen could recall more than one time when Cutter would trudge into the office on a morning after a date and stiffly state ‘we’re not talking about it’ while glaring the whole day.

“Opps, she’s leaving.” Claudia pushed her chair away and walked from the restaurant, Cutter pulling out his wallet and leaving money on the table before rushing out after her. “Hope he’s left enough.” Connor really didn’t want to have to supplement Cutter’s meal while paying for his own as well.

Nick caught Claudia outside, both standing in front of a large window to the side of the restaurant. They watched the animated conversation from their seats, some of the other patrons glancing across occasionally as Claudia’s wild hand gestures grabbed their attention. It looked like Cutter was about to get slapped when he just grabbed Claudia’s arm and pulled her in close before kissing the stunned woman.

Connor made a small fist and whispered a ‘yes’ to himself while Stephen turned away and slide down the chair so he wouldn’t be seen. Connor didn’t appear to have as much sense as when Cutter and Claudia finally moved apart Connor was sitting in full view with a huge grin on his face. Claudia glared just slightly while Cutter was shaking his head. Stephen couldn’t help but laugh at Connor’s deer in the headlights expression.


The following morning Cutter wasn’t in the office for the first three hours of the day. Connor stopped by to inquire about things and found only Stephen grading papers at his workstation while Cutter’s desk was empty of Cutter and littered with papers and artefacts.

“You think it went well then?”

“Very well. Why?”

“I get a better date the better theirs was.” Connor grinned and about faced, just as Cutter entered the room. The student was stuck to the spot, face a mask of a painful smile. “Professor, good morning. Lovely morning. Isn’t it?”

“Connor,” Nick appeared to be trying his best to stay serious, but it really didn’t work and before long a grin had spread over his face. “Get to class Connor. And let’s never repeat last night’s actions again.” Connor nodded and quickly ran out of the room. Stephen watched him go with a small smile before turning back to his grading and keeping Cutter at the back of his mind.

“Were you in on it?” Stephen looked up at Nick, who was standing exactly where he had been, watching Stephen closely.

“In on what?” Stephen tried for his best ‘I’m completely innocent’ look and from the looks of it pulled it off.

“Nothing.” It took another ten minutes, Cutter sitting behind his desk and starting to sift through his work before he started speaking again. “Connor set Claudia and I up on a date.”

“How did it go?” Stephen asked, keeping his eyes on the paper in front of him to avoid smiling and slipping up.

“Yeah, okay.” Cutter said, pausing in his work. “We had breakfast.” Stephen couldn’t keep the smile off his face this time.

“I’m sure Connor’s glad it worked out.” And Abby is going to regret giving Connor such a challenge.



Comments are lovely. Please be lovely.

character: nick cutter, pairing: cutter/claudia, genre: het, character: connor temple, character: claudia brown, fandom: primeval, author: torncorpse, rating: pg-13, character: stephen hart

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