Must've Been Something You Said [Gerard/Mikey]

Feb 26, 2007 12:09

Title: Must’ve Been Something You Said
Author: vampire_heart/insomniacs_home
Pairing: Gerard/Mikey
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slash, Incest, talk/memories of attempted rape/assault.
AN: The results of a slow day at work. Yes, that’s right. I was thinking about porn at work. Don’t look at me like that, you do it too.

Forever for my Maria, and for loveangel2141.
You people rock.

I got a beta! So, thank you dearly to the wonderful stink_fisting, any remaining mistakes are my own. ^_^

Even as the light breeze blew the curtains slightly, the boy in the bed couldn’t stop tossing and turning, couldn’t get comfortable. He couldn’t get his body to calm down - to stop his heart beating so fast, he couldn’t shut it off.

This was the first time in the week that he’d been given the chance to return to his home, to the place he shared with his brother. Where he used to feel safe.

Slowly, Mikey walked from his cool bedroom, soft footsteps carrying him down the hall towards Gerard’s room.

It had been a week since ‘the incident,’ as it was now dubbed, and Mikey still felt like a complete idiot. Bob had been supportive, making sure Mikey was both okay and had learned his lesson. Frank, in true Frank fashion, wanted to ‘beat the crap outta the motherfucker’ while checking over Mikey as if the doctors and nurses wouldn’t have done a good enough job. Ray had even sat down with him for hours, talking over what happened and taking the advisor perspective in helping Mikey deal with the issues that had arisen.

Gerard on the other hand had let his anger fuel his emotions, and following a horrible argument in the kitchen about Mikey’s lack of care and how stupid he was, they hadn’t spoken for nearly six days. It was the longest Mikey had gone without talking in some way with Gerard, and he wasn’t taking it well. He wasn’t sleeping much lately, not eating and still suffering the after effects of the whole thing, now being plauged with minor panic attacks. He was afraid of his own room, his too dark, too cold, too quiet room.

So, each night, for the last week, Mikey would wait until Gerard was in his room and asleep before softly padding down the hall to sneak into his older brother’s room, curling up on the windowsill and spending the night there, occasionally waking up to listen to Gerard’s breathing. It wasn’t comfortable and it wasn’t restful, but it was better than not sleeping at all.


When Mikey woke with a start and a sharp pain in his back he realised instantly that he’d fallen off the ledge where he’d fallen a sleep.

“Mikey?” Through the dark of the room, Gerard’s silhouette on the bed was clear to see however, his expression wasn’t.

“Umm…yeah?” Between his embarrassment at falling and that of being caught in Gerard’s room, Mikey’s voice was soft and low, as if he wasn’t sure if he wanted to use it or not. He heard the sound of Gerard leaving the bed, then the Gerard shaped shadow was moving towards him on the floor. The cold, hard wood floor where Mikey had landed was not forgiving in its old age, Mikey could already feel the bruise that would be no doubt forming on his back. When Gerard’s hand touched on Mikey’s arm a shiver ran through him, allowing both of them to notice just how cold Mikey really was.

“Jesus, you’re freezing.” Gerard was in full big brother mode for the first time in a week and Mikey found himself being manhandled and put under the covers of the newly vacated bed before another comforter was thrown over him. Instead of getting into bed though, Gerard walked out from the room, leaving Mikey in a large bed that still smelt of his big brother. Mikey sighed, burrowing his head into the pillow in front of him. Spending the night alone in Gerard’s bed was only mildly better than spending the night alone somewhere else. Mikey was lying there, trying not to panic or cry when a weight shifted on the other side of the bed, a warm body pressing up against his back. Mikey nearly squeaked when an arm slid around his waist, pulling him back to press against Gerard’s chest. It was only then, when the heat from Gerard rushed his back, did Mikey notice that he was still shivering.

“Gee?” Mikey was about to turn around, but Gerard started rubbing his chest and arms, trying to get heat into his small frame. Gerard’s warm breath caressed Mikey’s throat, the younger sibling deciding to just lay there and allow Gerard to play big brother. It actually felt kind of nice.

“God, trying to heat you up is impossible.” Gerard murmured, the warm air ghosting against Mikey’s neck. “How long have you been sleeping there?” Gerard’s tone was slightly angry, enough to make Mikey a little wary, not really looking for a repeat of the ‘kitchen talk’ as he called it.

“J-j-just tonight.” Mikey lied, not sure if it was the best way to go about it, but not looking to coax a fight out of Gerard. They rarely fought, everyone knew that, but when they did, it was bad. Sometimes, it wasn’t even about anything related to either of them. Sometimes Gerard had to vent about other people and yelling at Mikey seemed easier. Mikey knew this because after a particularly bad bust up, one in which he’d ended up crying, Gerard had held him and told him just how fucked up Gerard thought he was. Their fighting had minimised since then, because Gerard wasn’t taking any shit.

“Don’t lie.” Gerard growled right beside Mikey’s ear. Suppressing the shudder that ran through his body was difficult, but Mikey was sure he managed to pass it off as another shiver. “You’ve been in here every night this week, haven’t you?” Mikey wasn’t sure if there was more anger in his brother’s tone, but lying clearly wasn’t an option. Dejectedly, he just nodded his head, going with Gerard and his overly brotherly instincts. “Mikey,” there was a definite sigh in his name, but it didn’t sound like an angry one.

“Are you still mad at me?” Mikey asked quietly, his hand picking at some invisible threads on the cuffs of Gerard’s sleeve. “I know it was stupid not to check who he was but…sometimes I forget that we’re famous, y’know?” Mikey tried to burrow deeper into Gerard’s embrace, feeling safe for the first time that week.

“I was never angry at you, it was just-something could’ve happened to you.” Gerard pulled back slightly, moving Mikey to turn over so they were facing one another. “I’m supposed to take care of you. And that bastard hurt you and I couldn’t do anything.” Gerard murmured; Mikey’s head nestled into the crook of his neck. Mikey sighed and closed his eyes, his body reaching normal temperature and finally calming down enough to rest.

“’m sorry.” He managed the two words out between a yawn, arms wrapping around Gerard just to make sure he stayed there, and Mikey fell asleep with his head on his big brother’s chest.


Mikey woke later with a mild jerk and quick scan of the room.

It wasn’t a nightmare that woke him. He didn’t feel panicked or scared. In fact, he could still feel Gerard behind him. He must’ve turned in his sleep, because his back was pressed against Gerard’s chest and…

Gerard’s erection was poking into his ass.

Mikey went tense while he struggled to understand his own mind. Shouldn’t he be revolted or scared or something? A week ago he was in a similar situation. Some strange nut job had broke into their house and grabbed him from behind. He’d been held just like this, and he could distinctly remember feeling absolutely petrified until Frank - banging down the stairs at the hollering from Mikey, scared the assailant away. Having let some random stranger into the house - even if he did say he was there to inspect their gas meter, Mikey hadn't been able to get a moments piece the rest of the week. Either his mind was playing tricks on him, or one of the guys had stayed with him. He'd been unable to get the feelings and memories out of his mind, replaying it so many times and still feeling just as scared as ever. So why now was he remarkably calm?

Because it was Gerard? Maybe that’s why it changed. This wasn’t some weirdo off the street, breaking in and threatening him. This was Gerard, lying peacefully in his own bed, cuddling up to a warm body and sleeping. It was totally logical that his body would have these reactions, Mikey knew that. He occasionally had the same reactions when he and Frank got too close on stage. Didn’t mean anything. Totally explainable.

“Mikey.” Gerard whispered. Damnit, there went logic. Mikey sighed, trying to look over his shoulder and see if Gerard was even awake or still in his own little dream world. This could all be shrugged off as hormones so long as…

Gerard’s hips bucked slightly, rubbing against Mikey’s ass and the younger one just couldn’t help but moan pathetically. Mikey quickly turned back around, facing forward and completely ignoring Gerard, lower lip between his teeth as he tried to be as quiet as possible. When Gerard placed a few soft kisses to the back on Mikey’s neck, he couldn’t help but feel like he was taking advantage of his older brother somehow. Should he wake Gerard up? Try to leave the bed so that his brother could have some privacy? Even if it did seem like Gerard was thinking about him, which was a completely different matter considering they were brothers, it wasn’t right to just stay there while Gerard dreamt.

The tight grip on Mikey’s waist ruled out leaving though, Gerard’s grip indicating that there was no way Mikey was leaving without it being noticed. Another rub against his ass and Mikey shocked even himself with the low moan that escaped his throat. The hand holding his hip tightened, Gerard’s body tensing up behind him and Mikey mentally slapped himself. He’d managed to wake Gerard with one moan?


“Y-y-yeah?” Why did he end up stammering like some little high school geek? It wasn’t enough that he’d been that way all through high school. Did he have to take it with him?
“You okay?”

“Y-y-yeah.” Oh, way to go Einstein, from geeky high schooler to monosyllabic idiot. But Gerard’s hot breath on his neck was distracting, and the grip hadn’t loosened and that damn erection was still pressing into his butt.

Mikey waited for Gerard to move away, to make an excuse, to say anything, but nothing came. Instead, Gerard’s hand moved slightly, stroking back and forth on his hip in a reassuring and slightly arousing manner. Not that Mikey really needed much help with the arousing now. His cock was half hard from the earlier reactions that Gerard’s rubbing had caused, coupled with the air on his neck and now, yes, that was Gerard nibbling lightly at his earlobe.

“Gee,” Mikey didn’t even try to stop the whimper, Gerard’s hand moving lower, slinking under Mikey’s boxers and wrapping sure but cold fingers around his hardening erection. One of Mikey’s hands gripped at Gerard’s thigh, his hips thrusting into Gerard’s hand of their own accord. It didn’t matter whose hand it was, Mikey couldn’t help but crave the sensations.
Was he screwed up to want this? Was it wrong to be into this so soon after being attacked in his own house? Was it wrong that his own brother was the one currently making his stomach coil up and his heart rate soar?

Gerard pressed up against Mikey and this time, when Mikey thrust into the snug grip jerking him off, his ass rubbed back on Gerard’s cock. Gerard moaned against Mikey’s neck, teeth scraping the pale and sensitive skin, extracting a whimper of need from Mikey. The pair to each other, Mikey’s fingers digging into Gerard’s thigh as he pushed back against Gerard, which in turn made Gerard thrust up against Mikey and caused a falter in the slick pace of Gerard’s stroking.

“Mikey.” Gerard pulled Mikey to face him, Mikey lying on his back with Gerard pinning him to the bed with his own body. Gerard’s mouth crashed down against Mikey’s, forcing the younger brother to open up to an insistent tongue. Mikey pressed his body flush against Gerard’s. When Gerard thrust his lower body down against Mikey a groan rumbled through both of them. Mikey gripped on to Gerard’s shoulders as the elder took both of their erections in hand and stroked in a steady rhythm, all the while kissing and nipping at Mikey’s neck.

Mikey’s head fell back against the pillow, his lean neck stretched out for Gerard to bite and mark. He felt his stomach coil so tight he was sure it was cramped, and when Gerard bit down fiercely on his collarbone Mikey stiffened and let the sensations overcome him. Gerard followed suit, leaving both their chests a sticky mess as they lay there spent, Gerard almost crushing Mikey on the bed.



“Y’ okay?”

“Yeah. Y-y-you’re a little heavy though.” At least this time he was stuttering for a completely different reason. Gerard leant up on his elbows, hovering over Mikey slightly.

“You sure?” Mikey just nodded, not really trusting his less than stellar vocal cords anyway. “I just, I don’t want to have over stepped your comfort zone.” Mikey giggled, as Gerard sounded like he was quoting a self-help book, but the look on his face, the almost scared look that Gerard never got, stopped him.

“Gee, I think all comfort zones have been left behind.” Mikey answered, mildly unsure as to where this was going now. Was this a one time accident-like deal? Waking up with an erection and just venting it somehow. Or maybe this was something that Gerard had been thinking about, after all, it had started because of Gee’s dream. Right?

“You’re not weirded out? Not uncomfortable? I’d understand if you wanted to leave or wanted me to stay away for…”

Mikey didn’t like where Gerard’s chain of thought or speech was going. So instead of interrupting, he just pulled Gerard down for a kiss. There was a mild fight from Gerard before he just gave in, lowering over Mikey and kissing back.

“None of the above.” Mikey whispered, getting a grin from Gerard. “Now shush, you’ve worn me out.”

With a laugh and a little manoeuvring, one that consisted of the removal of uncomfortable boxers and a quick cleaning of sticky chests, Mikey arranged himself back into Gerard’s arms. With a tight grip on Mikey’s hip, Gerard fell asleep first, and after a short time watching his older brother sleep, Mikey soon found peace again.



character: mikey way, pairing: gerard/mikey, genre: slash, character: gerard way, rating: nc-17, warning: rps, fandom: mcr, warning: incest, author: torncorpse

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