Sweet Little Moment [Ryan/Bam]

Oct 12, 2005 19:38

Disclaimer: Once more, not mine, not my idea, kudos to ,lj user="so_pseudogoth"> for the brilliant idea.

Summary: April says they can’t cook. Bam’s out to prove her wrong.

AN: My third challenge, it‘s the Brownie one from so_pseudogoth. I took this one because it sounded great, and I’ve got writers block on my other stuff…which sucks. This actually took a while to come together as well.

Sweet Little Moment

“Can’t cook! Who says I can’t cook? I could cook if I wanted to; it’s not like it’s that hard!” Bam was rummaging through the cupboards in the kitchen, continuing the rant he’d been in for that last ten minutes, ever since April had made that passing comment about him not being able to take care of himself without her around. Since then Bam had been on a mission. He had to find something to cook, April was going to eat it tonight, and then he’d have proved her wrong.

“Goose in a white wine sauce?” Dunn commented from his position against the counter.

“Where am I gonna get a goose?”

“The supermarket?” Ryan continued flipping through the recipe book they’d found, trying to find something simple and edible. “How about cookies? They’re easy.”

“Cookies? No one could live on cookies.” Bam grabbed the book, reading the page. “Brownies. Kids make them all the time! We can make brownies!”

“Aren’t they just cookie cakes?”

“Yeah, but they can count as a food group.” Bam said with a shrug. “You get the eggs and milk.” Bam turned back to the counter, pulling out a bag of sugar and a bag of flour.

“Why am I helping?” Ryan asked, placing a box of eggs and jug of milk in front of Bam.

“Cause you are, stop bitching.” Bam said, pouring some flour into a bowl along with some milk.

“Dude, you’re supposed to measure it.”


“Cause you need to know how much of everything you need!” Bam just looked at the bowl of milk and flour before turning back to Dunn.

“Do we have brownie mix? It says that we need brownie mix.”

“I don’t think so. We have hot chocolate powder, and some chocolate chips. Could we use that?” Dunn asked, holding up the two items.

“I guess. Okay, it says I need to add two eggs.” Bam picked up two eggs and placed them in the bowl.

“No, you gotta crack them open, and then put the yoke in the bowl.” Ryan said, sitting back down on the counter behind Bam. The younger male was already covered in flour, the white powder sticking to his hair and making his face look pale.

“How the fuck do I crack an egg?” Bam asked, starting to get annoyed with this whole baking shit.

“Have you seriously never cracked an egg?” Ryan moved to stand behind Bam, arms reaching round and picking the eggs out of the bowl. Bam shook his head, some of the flour scattering but not much. “What about that omelette you made last month?”

“What, you’re anniversary breakfast that I said I made you?” Ryan nodded while he hit the egg against the side of the bowl, trying not to let any of the shell get into the mixture while adding the yoke. “I sorta lied, Ape made that cause I asked her too.” There was a cheeky grin on Bam’s face, he could remember that morning, after breakfast, Dunn had been so amazed at Bam’s thoughtfulness that they did everything he wanted. April had just let it slide, but had yet to let Bam live it down.

“Dude, you are so for it.” Bam laughed as the second egg was added into the bowl. “Now what?”

“It says we gotta mix it.” Dunn handed the wooden spoon to Bam, who started to stir the egg into the milk and flour. “Ryan?”


“Why are you still standing there?” Ryan hadn’t moved back to the counter yet, he was still standing behind Bam, hands on the work surface beside Bam’s hips, watching the bowl over Bam’s shoulder.

“I’m making sure you don’t fuck up.” Ryan lied; it was obvious he was lying, especially when there was a purr in his in voice as he spoke into Bam’s ear.

“You think I should throw in the chocolate stuff now?” Bam questioned, his voice a little shaky as Ryan pushed a little closer, pinning Bam against the counter and rubbing his groin against Bam’s ass.

“Yeah, it could probably go in now.” Dunn said all too cheerily for Bam’s liking. Bam poured the chocolate powder in, darkening the formerly white paste and thickening it. “You have to stir it in again.” Dunn whispered huskily into his ear. Bam fought the shudder that threatened to run through his body at the sound, trying to focus his attention on the mix in front of him. He might’ve succeeded, if Dunn hadn’t shoved his hand down the front of Bam’s trousers to grasp his half hard cock.

“Jesus Dunn!” Bam put down the spoon and pressed his hands against the counter, pushing down but not pulling away from Ryan. Dunn’s sure hand stroked Bam from base to tip, his thumb rubbing over the tip in just the right way that made Bam’s knees go weak. His breathing hitched and he struggled to keep upright, low moans and sighs escaping his throat.

“It’s gonna get lumpy Bam.” Ryan whispered; bringing Bam back to the bowl in front of him.

“I don’t care.” Bam sighed, head lolling back against Ryan’s shoulder. Bam licked his lips, biting down to try and keep the noises to himself as much as possible, breathing through his nose and pressing harder against Ryan. Soft kisses were pressed against his throat, Bam’s hands moving to clutch at Ryan’s legs as he moved with the hand, thrusting with the movements and mumbling incoherently. Ryan pressed on Bam’s tip just as he bit into his neck; bring Bam to climax with a shout. Bam sagged a little in Ryan’s arms, his grip on the other male’s legs tightening a little.

Ryan removed his hand from Bam’s pants, bringing it to his mouth and licking away any traces of Bam on them. Bam watched the action with heavy lidded eyes, groaning lightly. He turned, pushing Ryan back against the counter behind them and attacking the elder male’s lips, Dunn returning the hungry kisses happily.

“What about the Brownies?” Dunn asked against Bam’s lips.

“Screw ‘em. Better yet, screw me.” Ryan laughed, but was more than happy to oblige.


When Bam stirred he was alone in his bed, he smiled widely remembering the trek from the kitchen to his bedroom, and the activities which delayed the trip somewhat.

Pulling on his clothes and messing his hair up a little more he headed downstairs, preparing himself for Ape’s gloating. What he didn’t expect was to find Ape and Phil in the dinning room, Dunn at the other end of the table and his parents eating what appeared to be macaroni and cheese.

“Well, I’m impressed Bam. I didn’t know you could do it.” Ape said, tucking into the food on her plate. Phil didn’t bother speaking between forkfuls of the food, indicating that he approved of the food.

Bam looked over at Ryan, who was just sitting there with a smirk on his face, watching Bam.

“Yeah, I’m full of surprises.” Bam said with a smile, sitting down beside Dunn, his hand trailing up a denim clad thigh.


Once more it sort of ran away with itself.

Once they get going they just keep going, like blooming energizer bunnies!

Well, hope you liked, it wasn’t really all that fluffy I think, but I’m happy with it.

Feedback is food, feed the author.

character: bam margera, genre: slash, pairing: bam/ryan, rating: nc-17, fandom: jackass, warning: rps, character: ryan dunn, author: torncorpse

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