Cuffed [Bam/Ryan]

May 22, 2006 12:42

Disclaimer: It’s all made up. That means, it’s not real. Okay?

AN: My reaction to the whole fiasco from earlier on the OTP. Sue me, go on, I dare ya! (Does that mean they get my debts as well?)

Summary: Strange things happen when they drink, even stranger things happen the following morning.

Warning: Mild Kink - complete Smut.

Dedication - A small token to sublimerotica because I still haven’t finished her Vam bondage.


Ryan woke up with the worst headache he’d had, possibly for the whole month. His back was sore, and his head was pounding like a marching band, it was almost as bad as last month, when they had gone on a bar crawl and not got home that night.

However, last night was just a night out drinking, all night, in the same bar. They were in LA, finishing up the left over stuff for Jackass 2. After drinking till almost dawn they had all decided to head back to the hotel they were in, each feeling no pain and happily drunk.

But now, lying on the bed, that didn’t seem as familiar as the one he was in last night, Ryan felt the stabbing of something in his mind. Like a memory that wanted to be remembered. He hated the morning after a good drink; he always forgot something, usually something really important as well.

Sighing, Ryan resigned himself to not finding out until later; probably when Johnny or Bam reminded him with whatever idiotic thing he’d done/said the night before. That was until he started to sit up. Until he moved and noticed that something really was different about his room this time, and not just the bed. No, the bed wasn’t as familiar as the one the previous night; it wasn’t even facing the same way. In fact the whole room was the other way around; it was exactly the same, only a mirror image of his own room. But that wasn’t all, no, it wasn’t just that he was in someone else’s room; it was more the fact that, around his wrist was a silver handcuff. Clipped nice and tight and almost cutting the skin but not quite.

What was on the other end of the handcuffs was a sleeping, naked Bam’s wrist. All nice and snug in its own handcuff and sitting there, delicate as you like. Bam was strewn out over the bed, covers over his modesty - although Ryan wasn’t sure if that was a word he’d use when referring to Bam - and tangled around his feet. Hair messy and over his face, almost hiding the small smile on his face. It made that stabbing in Ryan’s memory more prominent, more obvious. There really was something he’d forgot the night before.

There was the hint of something combing the edges of his consciousness. He’d lost his key card, they’d laughed about it in the hall until one of the other guests had come out to complain - the young woman had squeaked slightly and hid back in her room when she realised who they were - and in the end Bam had just pulled Ryan to his own room. Ryan didn’t however know where the handcuff’s had come from, or why he and Bam were both as equally naked as the day they were born. Ryan knew that Bam slept in boxers when Missy wasn’t with him; Ryan also knew that he slept in boxers - period.

But his ass wasn’t sore, and he didn’t feel like he’d had sex, so why then were they naked - and cuffed together?

Ryan moved to scratch his head, forgetting somehow that he had a handcuffed wrists attached to a sleeping Bam. The indignant cry of pain that woke the sleeping skater, and the thrown arm to hit whoever woke him, almost caused Ryan to fall off the bed, but once more, the handcuffs prevented it.

Ryan ended up lying half on and half off the bed, with Bam pulled closer to him by the handcuffs. Their arms lay on the bed beside them, Bam’s eyes darting about quickly to see what was going on while he continued to wake up.

“Yo, dude, could you back up a bit so I don’t break my neck?” Bam seemed to be startled back into the here and now by Ryan’s voice, he moved slowly back and let Ryan shuffle back onto the bed.

“Dude, what the hell happened last night?” Bam asked, his voice a little gruff from the alcohol. The rim or darker blue around his eyes told Ryan instantly that he was hungover too, probably also feeling the same wave of memories trying to break free. “And why the hell are we handcuffed together?” He pulled up his wrist, inspecting the offending item, but pulling Ryan’s wrist with it and causing the metal to dig deeper into Ryan’s wrist.

Ryan tried not to wince at the sharp tug, but the light hiss somehow managed to get past his lips. Bam automatically turned to Ryan, eyes wide and wondering to see what he’d done. Upon noticing the rim of abused flesh on the bound wrist Bam hesitantly reached out with is uncuffed hand, running a finger around Ryan’s wrist.

“I put them on.” Bam said softly. “That’s why yours is tight and mine isn’t, you pulled away when you didn’t know what I was doing.”

“Why? And why do you have handcuffs with you?” Ryan knew Bam wasn’t the type to cheat, at least not on purpose, but consciously packing handcuffs on a trip when his girlfriend wasn’t accompanying them due to previous commitments insinuated a previous thought in the action.

“I thought it’d be a laugh to cuff Steve and Chris together for a day.”

That answered one question. “So why are we in them?” Bam still hadn’t looked up from Ryan’s wrists, his fingers still running over the burning flesh, soothing it slightly.

“Cause I…When we…You don’t remember?” Bam looked up then, his face a wash of confusion and a little hurt. Ryan had to re-evaluate everything he thought he knew from the night before. Getting drunk, the shy girl at the bar, Steve-O scoring with her, more drinking, Preston heading out early and then they ordered their last round. Heading back to the rooms with Johnny and Chris, Chris’ room was closest to the elevator, then Johnny’s and then Ryan’s. But Ryan couldn’t find his key. Giggling like kids in the hallway and then that other girl who ran away as quick as she’d appeared. Bam inviting him back to his room and then…

“You kissed me.” It wasn’t an accusation, Ryan could remember it clearly. He’d been pushed back against the wall and then Bam had kissed him, another little giggle while Bam’s hands pulled at his hair, leading him to the bed and then… “And handcuffed me to you so I wouldn’t leave. You said you wanted me to stay.” Ryan looked at Bam and noticed that a little of the hurt had left. For some reason Ryan didn’t really feel a lot of anything. He thought maybe he should’ve felt something, anger or confusion, disgust or giddiness. But there was nothing.

“Cause we were drunk and I couldn’t work up the courage to tell you when I was sober.” Bam admitted, a sudden shyness coming over him, almost like he could tell that Ryan was trying to figure out how he felt about all this. But the silence and lack of motion or words got too much for Bam and he tried to move away - once more they forgot about the cuffs binding them together.

Bam pulled one way while Ryan sat there, as the metal continued to dig into Ryan’s skin, this time drawing blood, the cuff on Bam’s wrist tightened as well, although not enough to restrain his wrist from twisting in the restraint. Once more Ryan hissed, trying to pull away from the pain but only causing Bam to fall on top of him. One of Bam’s arms shot out to support himself, his hand resting on the bed next to Ryan’s head, his cuffed wrist laying beside Ryan’s, Ryan’s free hand pressed against Bam’s bare chest, holding the skater above him.

Dazzling blue eyes met shimmer blue/green eyes, confusion and lust mixed in both. After a moment or two Bam started to lean down, slowly gauging Ryan’s reaction. There was no change in his face other than a slight change in his eyes, a mild move in the emotions. Until the palm against Bam’s chest let the weight above it lean down further and their lips met for the second time. There was a sigh from Bam’s lips, his whole body moving down to press firmly against Ryan’s, their skin flushing in a heat as everything lined up perfectly, almost like they were made to fit together.

Ryan moaned lightly when Bam’s tongue snaked into his mouth, trailing around and tasting everything, a very mild lingering of beer on his tongue but nothing that would hide the taste of pure Bam. It lit something in him, making him crave more. Not just more of the taste, more of everything, more touch, more friction, more contact, more anything. Bam’s free hand tangled in Ryan’s hair, a slight feeling of déjà vu coming over him, it was familiar, so was the light tug he got when Bam wanted him to change the angle of his head to allow the younger male access to his neck. Teeth scratched the surface of the skin, a small trail of blood vessels bursting under the skin, leaving red lines on the pale skin. Ryan arched slightly into it, his hand resting on Bam’s hip now, pulling their groins together and adding to the friction, a hiss of pleasure escaping Bam’s throat.

Bam entwined his fingers with Ryan’s, their cuffed hands not only bound by the metal now but also from the grip they had on each other as Bam slowly made his way down Ryan’s body, kissing, nipping and licking as he went. He traced tattoos with his tongue, followed scars with a trail of kisses and bit down lightly on sensitive flesh, gaining moans and pants from Ryan, whispers of Bam’s name falling from the blond’s lips.

He was starting to get those feelings he thought he should get. Not so much anger or disgust, more anxiousness and want. The knots were tying themselves up in his stomach, the light feathery brushes of Bam’s hair falling on his chest mingling with the sharp nips of his teeth on the flesh of his stomach. It was a nice contrast, the pain and the soothing. Right up until their bound wrists were jerked and his wrists were cut more.

Bam moved to pull away, looking at Ryan with an apologetic expression. “I should find the keys for them.” Ryan moved just as Bam unstraddled him, free hand now tangling in Bam’s hair as he pulled them together for another kiss as he rolled them on the bed, putting Bam under him while they moved against one another. Bam moaned and arched against Ryan, completely forgetting anything about a key or anything other than Ryan.

When the hand left Bam’s hair and trailed down to wrap around Bam’s cock, the skater bucked slightly, groaning as he was stroked in sure, strong movements. He moaned and whimpered slightly, the built up want in him, the nights of self gratification while picturing this exact encounter leading to too much and Bam came over Ryan’s hand with a sigh sounding distinctly like Ryan’s name.

Bam’s breathing slowly started to even out, his lips brushing against Ryan’s as he tried to regain his grasp on reality and stop himself from sobbing. He pulled Ryan as close as he could, ignoring the uncomfortable stickiness on his stomach. The kiss was heated and frenzied, teeth clashing occasionally, as tongues met and hot pants filled the room. Bam rubbed himself against Ryan’s cock, anxious and excited, hoping for the next step to come. He moved his hand with Ryan’s reaching for his bag beside the bed. He knew he’d packed it, it was just a case of getting to it without breaking their kiss. When his fingers curled around the tube and Ryan tugged their hands back, pulling back from the kiss a little when Bam brandished the prize he’d been hunting for, Ryan smiled slightly, noticing how Bam had made the tube an exact replica from the lube Ryan had used in the first movie.

“Do you want me to get a condom?” Bam asked, panting slightly and feeling a jolt run down his spine at the intense look in Ryan’s eyes. With a lick of lips Ryan leaned back down, placing a quick kiss on Bam’s lips. Bam takes the hint and quickly reaches for the pack of condoms he brought. His fingers shake slightly as he brings the pack out, ripping the top one off with Ryan’s help and dropping the rest back into the top of his bag. His free hand fumbles with the lube, trying to get the cap off while not letting Ryan move. But a steady hand on his chest as Ryan pulled back and took the lube from his ceased all Bam’s struggles. Ryan put the cap in his mouth and twisted the tube, spitting the cap to the floor as Bam moved to take the lube.

Their eyes were linked the entire time that Bam squeezed the lube out onto Ryan’s fingers, then, as Ryan moved down Bam’s body, placing a kiss on Bam’s lips as his first finger carefully pressed at Bam’s entrance, still littering kisses on Bam’s lips and face to provide distraction. As the muscles loosened around his finger Ryan cautiously pressed another in, watching for any sign of pain from Bam. When the raven haired male just moaned, pressing back on the fingers slightly while still gripping Ryan’s shoulder and tangling their fingers together again, Ryan pressed the three fingers in together, searching for the spot that would make Bam shake.

When Ryan found Bam’s prostrate the younger male bucked forward hard, rubbing against Ryan’s erection and getting another moan from Ryan, the blond rubbing a little harder against Bam’s hip. Bam whimpered again and bit slightly on Ryan’s bottom lip, pulling it into his mouth and sucking down on it lightly. Ryan scissored his fingers while drawing out slowly, listening to the drawn out moan from Bam and watching the flutter of his eyes from the movement.

“Ryan,” Bam bit his lip as Ryan pulled away, tearing open the condom sleeve and putting it on. “Please.” Ryan had to admit that hearing a wanton and needy Bam really was doing wonders for his own lust. The sound of his voice sent a stab of desire down Ryan’s spine, making him want to rush it a little. But then the thought of drawing it all out, seeing that heady look on Bam’s face when the pleasure, need and want just got too much, just watching him lose control, it was all too tempting as well.

Bam drew his legs back, his hand clutching tightly to Ryan’s as the tip of Ryan’s cock slowly pressed against his stretched asshole and pushed inside. Bam whimpered again, before breaking off to a low hum as Ryan pushed completely into him. Their eyes met, their fingers linked and Ryan slowly pulled out before pushing back in, thrusting in deep enough to catch Bam’s prostate. Bam gasped sharply as Ryan repeated the action, working up a rhythm, their eyes never parting, even as Bam leaned up to catch Ryan’s lips a few times, their breath mingling as they each panted and moaned the others name.

Bam could feel the pressure building, he knew he wouldn’t be able to come again so soon, but feeling the tingling pressure build and the fullness from Ryan thrusting into him. Clenching on his muscles, trying to heighten the pleasure for Ryan, Bam tensed almost every muscle in his body. Ryan grunted slightly, his gaze breaking from Bam’s as his head lowered, his lips pressing kisses to Bam’s neck and collarbone just before his orgasm took hold.

As Ryan came he kissed Bam again, their eyes both open as Ryan whispered Bam’s name and tensed over his body. As Ryan collapsed a little before catching himself, not wanting to crush Bam, the younger male’s arm wrapped around the blonds waist, holding tightly and pulling Ryan flush against him. Their breathing slowly relaxed to normal, their heartbeats calming slightly and beating together.

“We should get the keys.” Bam murmured, but not moving from the position they were in. He was content just to lie there with Ryan in his arms, it was comforting, even if he did just cheat on his girlfriend.

“I just wanna lie here for a minute.” Ryan whispered back, squeezing lightly on Bam’s hand while nuzzling into Bam’s embrace. Bam just sighed, his arm staying around Ryan’s waist as he was slowly lulled to sleep by Ryan’s steady breathing.




I’m happy with this. Powered out in 3 hours. Yummy.

Hope ya like it Maria honey. ^_^

character: bam margera, genre: slash, pairing: bam/ryan, rating: nc-17, fandom: jackass, warning: rps, character: ryan dunn, author: torncorpse

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