Touch [Ville/Linde]

Jan 26, 2006 17:11

Disclaimer: Not mine, blah de blah

AN: I know, Linde’s with a girl, has a little baby girl (although she’s not a baby [she’s a cutie though]) and Ville’s engaged to…umm…What’s-er-face. *giggle*

But who says I can’t throw them in a room and make them have hot boy sex?

*crickets chirp*

No one? Oh that’s good.

Summary: There is no thought to it; it’s just like second nature.

For sublimerotica cause she’s the BOMB!


Hands ran down his spine, leaving a tingle in their wake as the skin was set on fire. Light kisses littered his chest and brittle hair scratched his shoulders. Soft lips touched his stomach, a shiver running through his body as sure hands trailed down his legs.

His limbs were too heavy, he couldn’t move them, couldn’t raise his head, all he was able to do was lay there and let the feelings was over him. His fingers itched to reach out, wanting to tangle in the mass of hair that was situated right over his groin tattoo. It would be so easy to just reach out and take hold, to grip on tightly while forcing that beautiful mouth to take him in, just to get any sort of contact between his aching cock and that deliciously tempting mouth. But his arms were tied down, silk scarves holding his delicate wrists to the headboard, his fingers twined with the fabric, pulling it any way he could. He couldn’t even watch, a similar silk scarf being tied securely around his eyes, blocking out his vision and making the sensation of touch all that more intense. All he wanted was to reach out and touch the devilishly angelic being over his stomach.

Feather soft kisses were delicately placed over his hips, fingers teasingly running down his thighs, skimming over his erect organ that begged to be touched. A frustrated moan escaped his lips as the feel of his tormentor’s hair whispered over his erection, lightly brushing his cock and sending a jolt of need through his body. He craved the attention, needing it like a drug, needing it almost as much as he needed his cigarettes. The tongue trailing heat down to his groin was lighting his blood and burning his every nerve, making him dizzy from the pleasure and wringing groan after groan of delight from his throat.

When the hot mouth finally closed over his erection he felt the jolt of pleasure course through his body, a strangled sob escaping his mouth as he fought against the bonds that held him, wanting desperately to cling on to the wicked male who was torturing him.

When the roaming fingers started to push into his rear, already lubed up and slick, he only just managed to bite back the groan, his back arching and arms pulling, causing the soft silk to bite into his wrists. He pulled, trying to reach out, trying to gain some leverage to grasp hold of the other man, but his efforts were in vain, his only success being the push of those fingers reaching deeper inside him. He shook his head from side to side, trying fruitlessly to remove the blindfold, wanting to see, to touch, to be able to participate. But his tormentor knew what he was doing, none of the bindings would give, and as two nimble fingers pushed deeper, and a tongue swirled around the head of his cock, all he was able to do was lay back and groan in pleasure, blackness surrounding him as the feeling of dread locked hair scratched his legs.

He sobbed in frustration as the fingers removed themselves, trying to push back to those probing digits, until the mouth came away from his erection, the cool air attacking the warm saliva and making him shiver. Two strong hands came to his legs, pushing them apart and a steady strong weight came to rest between his thighs. His hands gripped the bedposts in anticipation, his heart beating a thousand times faster and his breath coming in uneven gasps as he was teased relentlessly.

“This is a welcome sight.” The voice above him chuckled slightly and he felt his bones quake, the low rumble of laughter sending more jolts to his cock. He’d never been this wanton in his life, all he wanted right then and there was to be thoroughly fucked and this devilishly perfect angel above him was teasing now.

“Please.” It was all he could manage to moan out, his desire completely over-ruling his capability to speak. Once more that welcome hearty laughter rumbled through the other male before the blunt head of a cock was placed against his asshole and slowly pushed in.

Strong hands on his hips controlled the movement, keeping him from pushing all the way down and just impaling himself like he wanted. The pace was kept gruellingly slow and steady, sobs of need and want echoing in the room as he panted for more and tried in vain to push himself onto the organ that slowly penetrated him.

As the whole member was finally sheathed in his body, the quiver that ran through the other male travelled up his spine, causing another moan of need to escape from him. He wanted to beg, he wanted to plead and promise anything, just to get some movement. All he wanted was to be completely and utterly used right then, for his entire being to revolve solely on pleasuring his companion.

A slow draw out before a brutal stab back in and he got his secret desire. The pace started to quicken, the thrusts increasing and the hold on his hips almost becoming painful. One hard stab to his prostate and he couldn’t care less. White heat exploded in front of his eyes, a coiling in his stomach alerting him to his building climax, the pants and moans from above him indicating that his partner was close. Biting his lip and clenching his muscles he tried desperately to ride out the bliss, to bring his partner to climax before his own boiled over, to have one small victory over the man who possessed him.

Another stab to his prostate and a jerk of his own cock and he was spent, hot cum landing on his own stomach as he yelled his climax, bitter tears of pleasure and pain staining his flushed cheeks. His partner followed soon after, jerkily thrusting a few more times before emptying his seed inside the complacent body bond to the bed.

Slowly his breathing evened out, the weight above him moving as it withdrew from his body and collapsed beside him. Slowly a hand moved to his face, caressing his cheek before moving to untie the blindfold.

“Maybe I should tie you to my bed more often,” a small smile and a light kiss to his bruised lips, “you look utterly delectable.” The blond dreadlocks fell to curtain their faces, a small smile spreading over his own face at the love and affection shown in those deep blue eyes.


Ville shot up in bed, a sweat covering his body and an insistent throb in his groin.

He was starting to lose it, there was no way he couldn’t be going crazy. Maybe he was spending too much time with Bam; maybe the kid’s manic-crazed-mind was contagious. It was the only explanation.

He’d just had a sexual fantasy about his guitarist, about his friend.

Flopping back in the large hotel bed, Ville ran his hands through his hair, trying to stop the images of the dream from returning. It was no use. All he could picture were Linde’s eyes above him, he could feel Linde’s hands on his body and by God it was making him harder than he’d ever remembered.

Throwing back the covers Ville headed for the bathroom, intent on having a cold shower. How could he look at Linde in the same way again? How could he not remember this? Starting up the shower Ville stepped him, discarding his boxers as he went. Leaning against the cool tiles he tried to picture anything but his blond, dreadlock haired, guitarist. His hand strayed to his groin, wrapping around his erection and suddenly the most graphic picture he’d ever imagined shot into his head.

Linde, wet and panting and under him and begging. Groaning, Ville decided against fighting it. Maybe he’d be able to let this run its course. So long as Linde never found out.


END (maybe?)


I think I might turn this into a little series. *sigh* Maybe.

Anyway, hope you liked Maria.
Now where’s my smut fest?

Feedback of any kind would be nice.

series: rule of four, genre: slash, rating: nc-17, warning: rps, pairing: ville/linde, character: ville valo, character: linde lindestrom, fandom: him, author: torncorpse

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