[There appears to be a large, angry green ant stomping through Mayfield
Tak could believe that some crazy earth man was holding a whole town of people hostage. She’s heard of stranger things; her own race did worse to others after all. But when they trapped and enslaved other beings, they did it for an explicit reason: slave labor. She couldn’t
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Having fun there?
I won't argue with the fact that most people are pathetic and stupid. They are. But that's mainly regulated to the 98% of the population.
Here? We mainly have the other two percent. Which isn't to say some of them still aren't stupid, its just that they're less so, or they have traits to make up for it.
So think. Other then defeatism, why would they stop?
They're pathetic if they give into defeatism. Even if you can't do anything about your situation, you should still hold out hope that you'll eventually triumph!
And if people here really are the cream of the crop, they have even less of an excuse!
The problem is that they might not be able to act any further if they currently have possession of all knowledge on the situation they could hope to gain.
Not that I don't plan to give it a try.
Big words. Can you honestly turn them into action?
Even if I couldn't, do you think I'd admit it?
But yeah. I can. And I will. Because when someone throws a gauntlet down against me?
I don't back down.
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