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Comments 17

dracoprncs1310 September 25 2010, 07:34:37 UTC
N-not sure if this warrants adding me for friends only but I'm katakurako from the paintchat earlier =w= Just so you are not like "Who the hell is this random person friending me :I"


insanishvikkixd September 25 2010, 17:51:56 UTC
Ohhhh, hey there! I didn't your lj names, haha. Alrighty, I'm friending you back C:


gruskek July 2 2011, 00:09:16 UTC
Hi, there! We share some fandoms and friends, and I've seen you around. I also find your art very enjoyable... Friends?


insanishvikkixd July 2 2011, 16:53:50 UTC
Oh, hello! Thanks a lot! Glad to meet you~


gruskek July 2 2011, 18:15:47 UTC
Thanks for adding me :)


Hi!! Can we be friends? :) xxholygrailxx December 17 2011, 13:36:38 UTC
Hello!! ^^ Ummm... My real name is Natalie and my username is xxholygrailxx, as you can see later when this is posted... :P

I can't really remember how I really found your profile but, I think I found you're profile from a community that's dedicated to Shuuhei Hisagi and his wonderful zanpakuto. XD
I really like Kazeshini!!!

When I arrived at your profile, I was also delighted that you were also a Sengoku Basara slash shipper!! ^^

I just recently got into the Sengoku Basara fandom and I have a few favorites. :D

Among them are DateSana, KojuSasu and MotoMoto. XD

I read your fics before and I really like them!! I really hope we can be friends!! ^^

I'm sorry it took me so long to type out a message for you when I listed you as a friend ages ago. Forgive me? *clasps hands together*


Re: Hi!! Can we be friends? :) insanishvikkixd December 18 2011, 03:39:24 UTC
Hello! Nice to meet you!

Unfortunately, I'm not the person that you've just described... I neither know Shuuhei Hisagi or whatever you've stated before, haha.

But it's alright, you're welcome to friend me since we do have the similar interests for BSR C:


Re: Hi!! Can we be friends? :) xxholygrailxx December 19 2011, 01:40:46 UTC
Really?? Lol!!! Thank you!! XDDD

My memories must have been all mixed up by now. :P

It's been a while since I've actually been on here, too busy with some issues outside.


Re: Hi!! Can we be friends? :) insanishvikkixd December 19 2011, 02:44:10 UTC
Haha, that's fine.

Anyways, nice to meet you! Hope you enjoy my journal C:


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