EB0 Finale :: Geigue Hates Rock-N'-Roll!

Jan 08, 2008 16:38

Well guys. It's officially over. The final Earthbound 0 screencap misadventure. Without further due:

*cue 2001: A Space Odyssey theme*

*cue Phantom of the Opera organ*

With the graphics, it's hard to tell, but that could be Geigue facing them from reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally far away.

Let's do this!

At the beginning of battle, this quiet screechy tune plays. Anyone remember the Choir from 2001: A Space Odyssey? Yep it's like that. It's irritating and creepy. D:

New battle command! SING is gained after you talk to Queen Mary/Maria, but it doesn't work on any of the enemies on Mt. Itoi. But! It plays a crucial role against Geigue, and you'll see why.

One of the first things many people say is Geigue reminds them of Mewtwo. Here's some interesting trivia for ya: a lotta the people that worked on this game and APE later moved on to design the early versions (Red/Blue) of Pokemon. You can say Mewtwo is a nod to Earthbound 0. ;D

Every couple lines, you get this message and Geigue attacks your entire party. Which hurts a fucking lot. Note the drop in HP from each conversation:

Geigue: Putting the "fun n' funk" in dysfunctional families!

Ninten: *Luke Skywalker* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Loid: To be fair, Geigue was pretty evil BEFORE George freaked out for Maria's safety...
Ana: And mankind.

George's human. Let him make mistakes even if he fucked us up in the process. :o

I actually got my ass kicked at this point, but for the sake of continuity, I'll paste the rest of the conversation:

Ninten: Not like you look any better yourself. DDD:

Yeesh, what's a villain's obsession with calling us bugs anyway?

So Ninten could be Geigue's Tentacle Rape Buddy TM? How nice.

Whenever he says "ugly Earth People", I can't help but think of the French soldier from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. ("You don't frighten us, English pig dogs! Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person! I blow my nose at you, so-called "Arthur King," you and all your silly English K-nig-hts!") You and your silly Earth People!

As it turns out, I die a lot. Usually before he finishes his speech so I have to listen to him babble over and over again. :P (And it takes me aeons to realize I was supposed to have Ninten cast PSIShield B so the party could take half damage and Ana wouldn't die in two turns. lulz DOH!)

Game Over. A familiar screen in Earthbound 0. Continue, Ninten finds the courage to wake up and the spotlight cheers you on. Say "Rest" and it'll ask you if you want to continue from the last save point:

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd you return to the last place you saved. Which leaves me with two melodies missing, drat. So let's start over from my Save State at George's Grave instead. :P

Let's check Geigue!

Remember when Teddy said brute force wasn't enough? Precisely.

At this point, Geigue has finished his Evil Speech, so that's when you can work the SING command. (Otherwise, it doesn't do anything) Everytime you SING, the screen will start flashing blues and pinks, the melody playing and Geigue cutting you off with a KRRRRRRRCCCCHHHHHKKKKKK noise.

The more turns you SING, the longer the melody gets.

If used in a Care Bears film, we'd be laughing. But this is a Mother game. We take Mother seriously. :o

Eat my Psychedelic Shoujo Pink Screen, alien scum!

Ooh, I like this shade of blue! :o

I'm not sure how many turns it took (felt longer), but it must've been eight before Geigue cried uncle.

Geigue: *dramatic twirl* I'LL BE BACK!


Once I had poor Loid surviving with only 3 HP while Ninten & Ana were dead. XDDD;;; Naturally, he got wiped out next turn. The strategy to Geigue is this: live. You gotta hear him babble about pelicans before you can sing, so I had Ninten be Backup Healer, Ana heal the entire party, and Loid toss a LifeUpCream for Ana to stay alive. Otherwise, they guard. When it's time to pound Geigue with notes, keep Ana busy with the healing, Ninten to be sure she doesn't die and singing when he can, and Loid uses whatever LifeUpCreams he has left...otherwise, he's setting forth with an adorable tenor voice. :D Ninten might be a tenor too, somewhere midrange anyway. Not sure what Ana might be. She'd have an ethereal voice, so I'm tempted to say Soprano I, but who says altos can't sound angelic? :o She could be an alto. Gah, I'm unsure. Dammit, I need to take voice again.

The ship lowers. Stops before sinking all the way.


Gotta say. Nice digs, Geigue.

Meh. I liked you better when you were nausea-inducing red static that said creepy nonsense in the next game. (HELO THAR GIYGAS)

In the Japanese version, the ending was really damn lame. Ninten & friends would turn around, leave, and the credits rolled in the back, with a "To be continued...?" message at the end. That's it? What a drag! What happened to everyone? Is Teddy okay? Does Ana see her mom again? What about Loid? What about those poor kids in Youngtown? None of that gets answered. Here's something better cooked for Earthbound 0 and Mother 1 + 2:

W00t! I assume the climb down's much easier now? There should be no monsters now that Geigue fled the scene (for now). :P

Difficult to see, but he bends back and forth on the mike like Elvis. Hee.

I think that mom's swinging her daughter by the arms or something. Aww.

Which will be soon~ ♥

Nice they didn't part right before Loid hit the ground. XD You got a football star's celebration, Charlie Brown Loid!

After having alien bits in places I don't want, I wouldn't be either. (*insert food joke from latest poison Puri named Ninten's Favorite Food*)

Awww. :)


Hee hee, I'm amused by his stomach rising like that.

Blue screen turn on.

Whoa! HELO THAR Pippi. I believe it's time for the cast to run down, huh?

Character: *runs down* *faces you* *runs outta screen*

Starting with... PIPPI!


Chocobo Man! And Laura, the Singing Canary. Her chick's grown up now?

Merrysville Janitor! I liked him. :3

The kids! Aww if they're from Youngtown. But if they're Twinkle Elementary, fuck them. XD

The Rosemaries?

Thanks for nothing, police officer. XD

Uhh... townspeople!

Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd!
His skin was pale and his eye was odd!

We totally fucked you over, didn't we Veteran?

THE L FLYING MONKEYS! And penguin. Who still has no clue what he's doing. :o

Aw, Magicant folk.

The Bard! Who's apparently been useless to me since I already collected all the melodies. XDDD!

Forgive me for my demonic slaughter, Flying Men. T-T I luff you guys.

*Shadow the Hedgehog voice* Mah-riiiiiiiiiiii-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! :o We finally get to see what Queen Mary looks like from the front.

And our heroes! Who stay in the screen with us until all fades to black. :3


Thanks for everything man. :o

*beam* I know. I'm awesome. ♥


But wait!

...Whoa. Ninten's dad is hardcore.

The Eight Melodies loop until you restart. ♥

It's a delight being able to play the game and share with everyone. :3 I know a lotta people say it's hard, so for those having trouble, can't work a ROM, etc. I hope I brought some of the experience and joy to ya while introducing the adorable characters and plot. :3 It's a cute game with lovely music, and it enriches Mother 2/Earthbound even more. ♥ For a departing gift, check out Mother 1/Earthbound 0 differences at Magicant, which has everything from smoking crows, bleeding zombies and Teddy flipping the bird (or does he?).

St. Paul's Cathedral Choir - Eight Melodies
Catherine Warwick - Pollyanna (I Believe In You)
Catherine Warwick - Bein' Friends

Go find the rest of the songs, gogogo!

Previous Editions

Now to write slashy fanfiction! Whee~! ♥

screencap misadventures, earthbound 0

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