Been a while since I shown ya my EB0 progress!

Oct 13, 2007 21:29

Loid: Can we stop by Wendy's now?

By that, he means Bottle Rockets. :D

Loid's so cute. T-T

Not G-Rated, I'm sure. "PLUG HIM UP! PLUG HIM UP!"

If I recall, he does often stop just to stare at ya. Already, my Ninten/Loid sirens are blaring. :o

*covers mouth before she says some squeaky pervy fangirl comment*

Gosh, and those two already just met~ ♥


...Uh oh. This happen often, Loid? Maybe this is why they make fun of ya. D:

Cue forever and ever trek in Duncan's Factory. (Whose theme always gives the urge for me to sing NIN's "Head Like a Hole" or "Terrible Lie". Mostly former though)

But Loid, this is your chance! Bomb Twinkle Elementary! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEVENGE! Take all those snotty little pricks and all who bullied you down in rubble! *CACKLE*

...Okay, I like the Janitor. D: Go ahead, hit the damn rock. YEE-HAW! /was never bullied to the point of suicide during middle school.

Our work here is done, so let's take the train to Reindeer!

This is the part where we question Ninten's sexuality. (Aw, is Loid jealous? :o *DUNDUNDUNDUUUUUUUUUUUN*)

Haha! If I been there, I'd know all too well. XDD!

Geez, EB0 has a vampire infestation. Doesn't help Ninten himself is one!

Secret strength? TELL MEEEEEEEEEEE

Ana's pretty. :o

Ninten: Whoa, nobody's ever told me this sorta thing before.


Ness: *SNORE*
Paula: Pst! You! I'm Paula.
Ness: *SNOrk* WH-Wut?
Paula: Have you heard of Scientology?
Ness: Scienwhat?
Paula: Well, something like it. I'm caught by this cult, so come meet me beyond Peaceful Rest Valley as fast as you can. Unless you want to see the world turned blue. Literally.
Ness: O...kay?
Paula: Uh oh! Gotta go! I got my hands full! Bye!
Ness: Wait! Um, Wonder Girl! ...Oh snap! Guess I should save her.

I wondered what would happen if I said "No", but I was nice and said "Yes".


I wanna go to the creepy ghost town first! :DDDD


Pigtails! :DDD *squeal* I'm a sucker for those. But then she puts her hat on. Oh snap.

*cue inn theme* Aw, thanks Ana's dad! Makes me wonder what would happen if you stayed to have pie with Paula's dad. XDD!


ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Ana dies in one hit. Not her fault though. Oh yeah, and the winter landscape is purdy. :3333 Should've taken a shot of Ana's home though, that was placed quite nicely. Doh!

I think I'm flipping through the Starmen strategy guide too much. But dang, I almost missed out on this! And that NOT would've been good. D:

"Would you let me speak to the player of this game?" Of course! :o

I take good care of him. And I spoil Loid rotten. :333 And dear Ana's a sweetheart so she's getting the same treatment. Naturally. ;D


It's my biggest embarressment in Earthbound: when Tony called me, I got confused, so I thought he wanted me to put Jeff's name. (So I was confuzzled by the large amount of spaces there). So I ended up screwing up a MAJOR surprise of the ending: (Highlight for spoilers: Cue praying to stop Giygas. Then the blanked out name started appearing little by little, revealing Jeff's name. I thought, "Aw, that's so sweet! The other three Chosen are praying too!" Cue game credits, where the game thanks... "Jeff" for the happy ending. Me: Well, Jeff DID prove himself quite a bit, didn't he? *wipes a sentimental tear* Then I go online to read what other people thought about the ending. So it was like a total BLOW to me when I realized I was supposed to put down MY name. That Tony wanted to know ME. So I really ruined the surprise for myself right there. Can't believe I made such a stupid mistake like that. BUT I WON'T BE DOING IT AGAIN FOR EARTHBOUND ZERO. NUH UH! Cue my true full name, minus my middle initial 'cause it wouldn't fit.

Aka dentures. The kids will keep it in mind, Itoi-san!


*APPLAUSE* BRAVO. BRAVO. Even Socrates couldn't have thought that one up.



And that's where I left off! Rosemary Mansion. Off to find spooky piano music! :DDD

screencap misadventures, fandom, fun, old*sk00l, earthbound, gaming, i need less tags, fangirlism, earthbound 0

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