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Jan 06, 2006 01:38

So, anyone remember the Sonic Shipping Badges I made ages back? Well, I've been thinking about 'em, and decided to make more. But! Not just that. Let's see if I can show a whole bunch more stuff I made in Photoshop before bed, eh?

Guess what, everyone? Secret*Fic Stuff!

Aka, if I had to make a Movie*Poster, some Promotional*Ad for my fic or something. I'm really happy how the background turned out... nice and green and mmm, matrices. XDD Right here, I've determined the main characters as I know so far: Sonic & Shadow in the center of course, and we've got Eggman and Metal Sonic at the upper left corner. Yes, Metal. He plays a major role in this--yes, I know, I'm awesome. 8-) To the upper-right corner would be an FF4 sprite of Leviathan, P.A.N.D.O.R.A's (another major character, OC villain of mine) top Leader*Bot. Silverbolt & Daniel Sidney, I thank a billion times over for this design of Tornado II here (and Tails to go along with it), while Rouge & Knux were easy enough to add along for the ride. :) Finally, we have the Chaotix, and you have the main characters for the Secret*Fic. Whether Amy Rose and/or Mighty might also get a role, I dunno. (Don't get your hopes too high though, especially for the latter. XDDD;;;) I dunwanna suffer Archie/SEGASonic*Syndrome: having too many characters so that a few of 'em get the short end of the stick and not be as developed, hence plot holes and loose ends hanging out in the open. We certainly don't want that, now do we? XDDD;;;

Aka Shadow vs. Leviathan, one of the first major fight scenes in the entire fic. Here, our favorite angsty hedgehog takes on an entire army of Robo*Snakes, complete with hoverskating-in-the-dark in order to keep his spiky arse from being chomped by Levi--all while he's pretty much having the worst migraine known to man right now. (Hey, you'd feel sick too if you've woken up after falling from space)

Well then, this is the part where the Shadow*Fangirls on my flist go Vaderesque and "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!" while those who think otherwise cackle with glee to the pits of their black hearts. But I must say, the Roman in me says I did a rather nice job of the bloodwork on poor Shadow here. If you look closely, you'll see a couple flecks from his hand, too... (Man, someone remind me about the blood on the wall from his ankles when the Secret*Fic gets a major Rewrite*Overhaul. XDDD;;) That funky pinkish orb from the upper-left corner? Carefully edited from a CT sprite? That be PANDORA, indeedie doo! And yes, he's the guy who just talked to Shadow here. XD;;;


For your relief, that is NOT an actual line gonna be in the fanfic. XDDD;;;; It IS based on a likely future scene from waaaaaaaaaaaaay later, though. (And for your info, all Shadow's doing is pinning Sonic down and kissing him. XDDDD;;; Here, it looks like he's gonna jump him--NONOnotTHATway!) Chicobo's gonna kill meeeeeee~ XDDD;;;;;;; In case you're wondering about Amy, she's wearing Chao*Jammies. :3333 I actually spent a long time trying to design the pajamas on her, but they looked more freaky than cute, and when she started looking like one of those grandmas with those weird caps for their hair when they sleep, I dunked it altogether. XDDDD;;; Then I thought, "Hey, I know! There's still the nightcap idea." And voila, there you have it. X333 Oh, you mean her waking to Shadow having his way Sonic & Shadow kissing? Uhh, well... XDDDDD;;;;; Let's say it was pretty anti-climatic and Amy went back to sleep. XDDDD;;;;

Now, to post these before I procrastinate and leave them in the bowels of my computer & Photoshop:

I swear to Earth that was the first thing I've done on Photoshop when I've decided to make these again. XDDDDD;;;; I was originally gonna surf through "Sonic X" screenshots for a good ol' photo of Knux & the M.E. together so I could make LJ icons, but... I grew kinda lazy. So I made this instead, until next time I decided to haunt Team Artail for my OTP goodness. X3333 (And NO, it's not what you think it looks like, you pervs. That would hurt, by the way)

'Cause I had a feeling Carrie was gonna ask anyway. XDDD;;; That, and considering some hard times she's going through at the moment, I'd say this is pretty good timing. :) I swear to god though, it's like the Knuckles & Shadow sprites absolutely refused to work together--subliminal "Hey Puri! Get back to your real OTP, dammit!" messages, maybe? oO;;; I was determined to get 'em to work though, and I've finally got them in poses that seem to go together well enough to seem natural instead of clashed up/generic. Oh yeah, and I introduce the Ebil*Purple*Lust Heart! For, um... evil/dark/seductive love. Or... something like that, anyway. XDDD;;; Hopefully, I did these guys justice. ._.;;;;

Puri wanted to take an entirely different route after Dark & Scary with Cute & Cuddly, so what better way to do it than with Blue's OTP, Tails/Cream? ;D That, and Tails had to show up eventually, though I never really liked him with anyone... though with Crails here, I mind it among the least. I wanted Tails to look awkward, 'cause I've always imagined him to be like that--and hey, Cream's teaching him to dance! Something to put Squall & Rinoa to shame, I'm sure of it. XDDD;;;

Every Sonuckles fan ('Specially ChaosCheebs) is gonna disagree with me on Sonic's game--oh well. I is Unworthy of Sonuckles. XDDD ^^;;;; Still though, I'm REALLY happy how this turned out... it's gotta be the color scheme man, it looks so darned good. *_____* Originally, Sonic was going to poke around Knux while he facepalmed in a *siiiiiiigh* manner, but when it came to picking the Sonic sprite, he sort of wanted to have his own way... and Sonic ended up kissing Knux instead. XDDD And aww, Knux looks happy about it too. (I'm still unworthy, though. XDDD;;; Seriously though, I find it funny how much I'm "awww"ing over this badge. XDDD;;;)

*lightning strikes the sky* Back to Dark*Ships, baby~! (And the return of the Purple*Heart!) Well, I did Sonamy in the last batch, I might as well get Shadouge outta the way too. XDDD;;; (And hey, I know it'll make Panku {and maybe Blue} happy, so that's more than good for me. :D) That, and I like all the purpliness in their ship name. But then, I'm a loser. But still, so much purple in this badge! XDD Just what are they scheming, you ask? I'll leave that to your imaginations. XDDD;;;

Look, it's an old NES Zelda*Grave! XDDD And yes, Shadow has plenty of problems. Ironically enough, I had the most fun making the BROKEN*HEART, aka shattering Shadow's poor heart into pink sparkles over his sad little body. Makes me feel evil, I know. Poor, poor Shadow! *snickers evilly* I'm so horrible and mean to him, I know. XDDDD;;; I was almost tempted to leave a shovel there, but even I'm not that nasty. XDDD;;;

Right now, I just feel kinda bummed I can't make a Shadow/Omega badge, unless I was willing to break my back over heavily editting a Gamma sprite or something. XDDD;;;; Anyone think I should resize these as icons, by the way? Or show them around in shipping comms, particulary after I make a few more badges for other major ships out there? Ah well, I'm up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too late. XDDDDD;;;

Meanwhile, I think meganubunny corrupted me. XDDDD;;;; Again.

sonic the hedgehog, sonadow, fandom, secret*fic, fun, photoshop, fanfiction, sprites, fangirlism, shipping

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