Eight (Kind of, but not Really) Crazy Nights [2/8]

Dec 02, 2010 16:03

Title: Eight (Kind of, but not Really) Crazy Nights
Pairings/Characters: brief Quinn/Sam & Rachel/Finn, eventual Rachel/Quinn, Rachel's family, New Directions, Judy Fabray
Rating: PG-13
Length: ~1,600/~22,200
Summary: Quinn finds herself celebrating Hanukkah with Rachel.

Prologue | First Night

Quinn sat in the Berry driveway for three minutes, honking her horn, before finally getting out of her car and grumbling all the way to the front door. It was flung open before she had a chance to touch the doorbell and Rachel was dragging her to the kitchen despite Quinn’s protests that they would be late for school.

“Blueberry waffles?” Rachel shoved a plate of waffles at Quinn, complete with powdered sugar, whipped cream, and a fork. “I sent you a text last night requesting that you arrive early for breakfast.”

Quinn furrowed her eyebrows and took out her phone. It was on silent and there were six missed texts. Four from Rachel and two from Santana (aav;dkaeia and sorry. me n B were making out & i had my phone n my pocket).

“Sorry. Phone was on silent.”

Rachel nodded and continued eating her own already half-eaten plate of waffles as Quinn started in on hers. They were pretty delicious considering that, in all likelyhood, they were completely vegan aside from the whipped cream.

“These are really good, Rachel.”

“Thank you!” Rachel smiled. “I found a wonderful vegan cooking website that has been very helpful in making sure I receive the proper nutrition whilst also saving the lives of innocent animals. I did, however, make an exception for you with the whipped cream.”

Quinn nodded. “Thanks. You have, um, powdered sugar,” Quinn gestured to Rachel’s cheek, “right there.”

Rachel furrowed her eyebrows and wiped around her mouth with her sleeve; Quinn shook her head.

“No,” Quinn said. Without thinking she reached forward and brushed her thumb against Rachel’s cheek, removing the white dust. “Right there.” Rachel’s skin was soft, so very soft. The light blush on her cheeks grew a little darker as Quinn’s thumb lingered for a few seconds more until she jerked her hand away.

“Thank you,” Rachel whispered.

Quinn only nodded.

The ride to school was silent until both girls reached for the radio at the same time and their hands brushed together. After an awkward giggle, Quinn gave up control of the radio to Rachel who selected a Christmas station and hummed along to “Sleigh Ride”.

“I’ve put in a request for the station to play more Hanukkah-themed music,” Rachel said when ‘Merry Christmas, Darling’ started playing. “I have yet to hear a response.”

“Is there a lot of it? Hanukkah music?”

“It has to be searched for. I suspect that the DJs simply don’t want to take the time to search for something other than Adam Sandler’s Hanukkah Songs. They are entertaining, I’ll admit, but there are others.”


“I’ve amassed a good collection of them over the years. If you’re interested we could listen to a few tonight.”

Quinn nodded. “Sounds great.”

The school day passed in a blur. Quinn knew she did well on her tests, she always did. She said hello to Rachel in passing between fifth and sixth period and again pulled a chair close for glee club practice. Mr. Schuester handed out Christmas music and told the club they were going to be performing for the school and a few places around town the next week and they needed to get practicing.

Surprisingly, it was Puck that spoke up about the very distinct lack of Hanukkah songs in their repertoire.

“I couldn’t find anything, Puck,” Mr. Schuester said. “Maybe next year.”

“That’s bull, Mr. Schue. I know a ton of songs.”

“We don’t have time. Like I said, next year.”

“Mr. Schuester,” Rachel cut in, “I would be more than happy to assist Noah in helping the glee club learn a Hanukkah oriented musical number. I believe it’s important for the club to show our diversity in culture and-“

“That’s enough, you guys! We’re doing these songs and that’s it.”

Quinn growled when Rachel shrank down in her seat and Puck crossed his arms over his chest. It was the third time in less than a week that Schuester had yelled at them, the second directed almost specifically at Rachel, and it was rather infuriating. She had no idea how to fix the situation, though, so she went along with rehearsal and sang her harmonies and a tiny bit of solo she was given for “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”.

Schuester ran out of practice early when the newly married Ms. Pillsbury-Howell walked by and there were grumbles of displeasure as the club packed up their things.

“We should let Puck and Rachel teach us a number,” Quinn piped up before everyone left. “Look, Schue will get over it.”

“Hanukkah’s a bird, right?”

After a brief moment of silence to stare at Brittany with their heads cocked to the side, the club turned their attention back to Puck and Rachel.

“We could do a kickass rendition of ‘I Have a Little Dreidel’,” Puck suggested.

“I can work on the arrangement tonight and I’ll e-mail it to all of you so you may practice before tomorrow.”

There was a murmured agreement before every shuffled out of the choir room. Quinn slung her bag over her shoulder then jumped when Rachel’s hand gripped onto her arm.

“Thank you for that,” Rachel said. “You’re a good friend, Quinn.”

“It’s important to you and Schuester needs to get his head out of his ass.”

In a move that shocked even her, Quinn offered her arm to Rachel as they walked out of the choir room and to the parking lot. Rachel took it and held on tight.

The Berry tradition for the second night of Hanukkah was to load up into their sedan and go to dinner then drive around Lima to see the lights put up and the park display that went up after Thanksgiving each year. Rachel brought a CD of her favorite Hanukkah songs to play on the ride.

Quinn felt about seven years old as she and Rachel pointed at the various light displays. At one point, Rachel ended up practically on top of Quinn when they drove by a rather elaborate display complete with nativity scene, reindeer, “PEACE ON EARTH” on the roof, a giant menorah on a tree, and about thirty other things littering the lawn and hanging from the trees. Rachel scrambled back to her seat after they passed the house and clasped her hands in her lap.

“I apologize for any injury you might have sustained in my few moments of excitement.”

“It’s alright,” Quinn assured her. “I guess in this case it’s good that you’re a midget.” She elbowed Rachel’s arm and giggled bringing a bright smile back to the diva’s face.

Leroy lit a roaring fire when they returned back to the Berry house and Rachel got water boiling for hot chocolate and tea while they recited the prayers and lit the candles for the second night. When Quinn stood next to Rachel their hands brushed and Quinn noticed a distinct crack in Rachel’s voice. They settled with their respective drinks in the living room to exchange gifts; Rachel sitting a few inches closer to Quinn on the couch than the night before. Not that Quinn noticed or anything.

Quinn gave Rachel a mix CD and received a handmade gift certificate for ten free vocal lessons, complete with spaces to use a hole punch for each lesson. Rachel’s dads gave her a two-year subscription to Playbill Magazine.

“I’m only allowed to present them with gifts on the first and last nights,” Rachel said. “They’re rather firm on that.”

“You need to save your money, sweetie,” Leroy said. “New York is an expensive place to live.”

Rachel nodded and thanked her fathers and Quinn yet again before announcing that she needed to get working on their arrangement for glee club. Quinn, taking what she thought was a hint, smiled and said her goodbyes to Leroy and Hiram, grabbed her jacket, and headed toward the door.

“You’re welcome to help, Quinn,” Rachel said. “I apologize if I led you to believe that you weren’t welcome.”

“No, it’s fine,” Quinn assured her. “I’ve got a test tomorrow over To Kill a Mockingbird, anyways, and I need to finish it.”

“Of course, studies come first!”

“Do you want me to pick you up again tomorrow?”

“I’d be absolutely thrilled. Come earlier this time, I’ll make breakfast burritos.”

Quinn nodded. “See you tomorrow morning, then?”

“Yes, tomorrow morning.”

This time when Quinn’s arms twitched to go in for a hug she did it. Obviously, Rachel had the same idea and her forehead ended up hitting Quinn’s chin. The blonde stumbled back and held onto her mouth, Rachel onto her forehead.

“Are you okay? I didn’t bite you or anything, did I?”

Rachel shook her head. “I don’t believe so. I’m not bleeding, neither are you.”

“Good…sorry. I…yeah, sorry.”

“Me too.”

Quinn stuck out her hand and Rachel arched an eyebrow but took it in a firm handshake.
“See you tomorrow, Quinn.”

“Bye, Rachel.”

Quinn quickly turned and headed out the front door; muttering insults to herself as she walked down the sidewalk to get to her car.

“A handshake, Fabray? Really? God, you might as well have just bowed or something. Her hand was pretty soft, though…What? No. No. You so did not just say that.” Quinn unlocked her car and looked back up at the Berry house. Rachel was standing in the front window watching with a smile and Quinn immediately forgot about humiliating herself and gave a little wave goodbye; Rachel returned it enthusiastically and it made Quinn’s heart jump a little.

“I’m in so much trouble.”

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