All Things Puppy-verse

Jan 01, 2015 00:25

Everything in this entry is dedicated to the Glee "Puppy-verse" I have created. There is a directory, a detailed timeline of events, and in-depth character bios for all original characters within the universe. If there is anything you would like to see or think needs to be added to the timeline then or you want to know about the characters then let me know. I hope you find it helpful!

Directory in order of publication:

Pairings: Santana/Brittany, mentions Rachel/Quinn
Time: December 2019
Rating: G
Length: ~1,300
Summary: Brittany wants a puppy.

My Girl(s)
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, side Santana/Brittany
Time: December 2019
Rating: PG-13 for mild language and mentions of sex
Length: ~4,400
Summary: Rachel and Quinn's side from the Santana/Brittany story Puppy. Rachel and Quinn help Santana with her Christmas surprise for Brittany...and Quinn has a few surprises for Rachel.

Pairing: Rachel/Quinn, side Santana/Brittany
Time: January 2018-August 2019
Rating: PG-13
Length: ~2,400
Summary: Quinn and Rachel’s lives couldn’t be more perfect.

Pairing: Rachel/Quinn
Time: March 2010
Rating: PG
Length: ~2,000
Summary: Quinn reflects on the one decision that changed her life forever.

Baby Love
Pairings: Santana/Brittany, side Rachel/Quinn
Time: October 2020
Rating: PG
Length: ~2,000
Summary: Santana and Brittany babysit for Rachel and Quinn.

Baby Love 2: Chaos and Calmness
Pairings: Santana/Brittany, side Rachel/Quinn
Time: September 2023
Rating: PG
Length: ~3,400
Summary: What starts out as a chaotic early morning for Brittany and Santana ends up to be pretty perfect.

Slushies: The Next Generation
Pairings/Major Characters: Rachel/Quinn, side Santana/Brittany, Allison Fabray
Time: October 2025
Rating: G
Length: ~2,300
Summary: Rachel and Quinn get an icy cold blast from the past in a way they never expected.

Little Gold Stars
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, side Santana/Brittany
Time: April 2020
Rating: PG
Length: ~1,600
Summary: The Fabray-Berry twins enter the world.

Pairings: Santana/Brittany, side Rachel/Quinn, mentions [Highlight to read spoiler: Brittany/OC]
Time: March 2017-June 2019
Rating: PG-13 for swears and mentions of sexytimes
Length: ~3,600
Summary: Brittany and Santana need to get away from Chicago, their tiny apartment, and memories.

Baby Just Say Yes
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Pairings/Characters: Santana/Brittany, Rachel/Quinn, Puck/Anna(OC), Will/Emma, Allison Fabray, Isabelle & Olivia Fabray-Berry, Kurt, Rachel's dads, Brittany's parents, Santana's mother & brother, the rest of New Directions
Time: June 2020
Rating: PG-13 all the way through for swears and mentions of sex
Length: ~13,700
Summary: When it is realized that neither Rachel and Quinn or Brittany and Santana are legally married Rachel and Santana secretly team up to rectify the situation.

(Not Quite) Nine Months
Pairings: Santana/Brittany, side Rachel/Quinn
Time: January 2023 - September 13, 2023
Rating: PG
Length: ~2,850
Summary: Pregnancy is a little different than Brittany thought it would be.

Double Trouble
Pairings/Major Characters: Rachel/Quinn, Isabelle & Olivia Fabray-Berry, Santana/Brittany although they're not mentioned as a couple but it's the Puppy-verse so they're there.
Time: March 2028
Rating: PG
Length: ~4,000
Summary: Rachel and Quinn deal with the twins' first big issue.

Bigger is Better
Pairings: Santana/Brittany, side Rachel/Quinn
Time: October 2024 - April 2025, August 2025
Rating: PG-13
Length: ~2,900
Summary: Santana thinks maybe it's time to add on to their family. Brittany's been doing some thinking of her own (with the help of Rachel and Quinn).

Part 1 | Part 2
Pairings: Santana/Brittany, side Rachel/Quinn
Time: November 5, 2025 - December 25, 2025
Rating: PG
Length: ~5,000
Summary: The arrival of Santana and Brittany's second child.

The Beginning
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pairings: Santana/Brittany, Rachel/Quinn, Puck/Anna (OC) Minor/Mentions: Quinn/Finn, Santana/Finn, Rachel/Finn, Rachel/Jesse, Quinn/Puck, Brittany/OC
Time: August 1999 - July 2016
Minor Characters: Allison Fabray, Rachel’s dads, Rachel’s “Pop” Berry
Rating: PG-13
Length: ~14,700
Summary: Before their lives were perfect there were a few bumps in the road.

Mother's Day
Santana & Brittany
Time: May 2025
Rating: PG
Length: ~2,250
Summary: Santana and Brittany celebrate Mother's Day.
Rachel & Quinn
Time: May 2019 & May 2020
Rating: PG
Length: ~1,500
Summary: Rachel and Quinn celebrate Mother's Day.

First Date
Time: April 2026
Pairing: Rachel/Quinn, side Santana/Brittany & Allison Fabray/OC
Rating: PG
Length: ~2,200
Summary: Allie's first boyfriend gets to meet her mothers...and a few other guests.

Sick Day
Time: October 2030
Pairings: Santana/Brittany, side Rachel/Quinn
Rating: PG-13
Length: ~4,000
Summary: Brittany is sick so Santana and the boys take over.

Time: February 2025
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, implied Santana/Brittany
Rating: PG
Length: ~3,200
Summary: The Fabray-Berry family has a day off.

Time: June 2033
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, implied Santana/Brittany, Puck/Anna(OC), Allie/David(OC)
Rating: PG
Length: ~2,700
Summary: Allie's long-term boyfriend, David, comes to Lima with her family on vacation.

Time: June 2033
Pairings: Santana/Brittany, implied Rachel/Quinn
Rating: PG
Length: ~1,400
Summary: A storm rolls through New York City.

Time: November 2032
Pairings/Characters: Rachel/Quinn, mentions Santana/Brittany
Rating: PG
Length: ~2,800
Summary: Rachel and Quinn deal with Isabelle's nightmares.

Like a Fine Wine (You Just Get Better with Age)
Time: September 2027
Pairings: Santana/Brittany, minor Rachel/Quinn
Rating: PG-13
Length: ~2,000
Summary: When Santana sees definite signs of getting older she isn't exactly happy about it.

Sweet Child of Mine
Pairings/Characters: Rachel/Quinn, side Santana/Brittany, Isabelle Fabray-Berry, tiny bit of Olivia Fabray-Berry/OC
Rating: PG-13
Length: ~6,200
Summary: Rachel and Quinn deal with their girls growing up and discovering who they are.


Timeline of Events

June - Santana and Brittany start not dating. Seen in The Beginning.

Fall - Santana and Brittany start dating. Seen in The Beginning.

February - Quinn moves in with Rachel after having lived on several other couches. Seen in The Beginning.
March 21 - Allison Violet Fabray is born to Quinn and Puck. Seen in Decisions and The Beginning.

March - Rachel and Quinn start dating. Seen in The Beginning and mentioned in Slushies: The Next Generation.

-Allie gets pneumonia. Seen in The Beginning and mentioned in Decisions.
-WMHS graduation. Seen in The Beginning and mentioned in Decisions.
-Santana and Brittany move to Chicago. Seen in The Beginning.
July - Rachel, Quinn, and Allie move in with Rachel's cousins in New York City. Seen in The Beginning.

June - Rachel drops out of Julliard to start work in an Off Broadway show. Seen in The Beginning.
July - Santana and Brittany break up for a short amount of time following an infidelity on Brittany's part. Seen in The Beginning and mentioned in Change.
December - Rachel's grandfather passes away leaving the brunette with a substantial inheritance. Seen in The Beginning.

May - Quinn graduates from NYU with an elementary teaching degree. Mentioned in Decisions.
- Rachel, Quinn, and Allie move into their own apartment. Seen in The Beginning.
- Puck moves to Columbus to start training at the police academy. Seen in The Beginning.
- Allie starts kindergarten. Seen in The Beginning
- Quinn starts teaching third grade. Seen in The Beginning.
December - Puck announces his engagement to Anna. Seen in The Beginning.

May - Santana graduates from Northwestern. Mentioned in Change.
- Rachel makes her Broadway debut. Seen in The Beginning.
- Puck and Anna get married and Allie spends her first summer with them in Lima. Seen in The Beginning.

July - Santana and Brittany move to New York City. Seen in Change.

May - Rachel miscarries. Seen in Perfection.
August - Rachel and Quinn move to Queens. Seen in Perfection.
Fall - Rachel, Quinn, and Allie adopt a yellow lab puppy and Allie names it Dorothy. Mentioned in Perfection.

May - Santana graduates from NYU with a business law degree. Mentioned in Perfection and Change
-Santana and Brittany go to Costa Rica because Santana wouldn't let Brittany paint their bedroom bright yellow. Mentioned in My Girl(s)
-Rachel and Quinn try for another baby. Mentioned in Perfection
-Santana gives Brittany a puppy for Christmas and Brittany names it Duck. Seen in Puppy
-Quinn announces to Rachel that she's having twin girls. Seen in My Girl(s)

April - Isabelle Rose and Olivia Taylor Fabray-Berry, identical twins from Rachel's egg, are born. Seen in Little Gold Stars.
June - Rachel & Quinn and Brittany & Santana are married in a double wedding ceremony in Lima. Seen in Baby Just Say Yes.
September - Noah Puckerman, Jr. is born to Puck and his wife Anna. Mentioned in Baby Just Say Yes that Anna was beginning her third trimester.
October - Santana decides that having kids someday wouldn't be too horrible. Seen in Baby Love.

December - Elijah Puckerman is born to Puck and his wife Anna. Not mentioned anywhere but this is the time I've determined.

January - Brittany conceives her and Santana's first child. Seen in (Not Quite) Nine Months.
September 13 - Joshua Alejandro, a boy from Brittany's egg, is born. Seen in Baby Love 2: Chaos and Calmness.

April - Santana conceives her and Brittany's second child. Seen in Bigger is Better.
August - Santana and Brittany move their family into a bigger house in Rachel and Quinn's neighborhood to accommodate their expanding family. Seen in Bigger is Better
October - Allie is suspended from school and impeached as student council president for throwing a slushie at a fellow student. Seen in Slushies: The Next Generation.
November 5 - Milagro "Milo" Sven, a boy from Santana's egg, is born eleven weeks early. Seen in Miracles
December 25 - Milo comes home from the hospital after a seven week stay in the neo-natal intensive care unit. Seen in Miracles

April - Allie's first date. Seen in First Date

March - Olivia is suspended from school for beating up a boy because he was picking on Isabelle. Isabelle also hit him but went unpunished because Olivia took the blame. Seen in Double Trouble.

June - Allie gets engaged to her boyfriend, David. Seen in Nervous.

June - Allie and David marry. Seen in Sweet Child of Mine
July - Olivia comes out to Rachel and Quinn and gets her first girlfriend. Seen in Sweet Child of Mine


Character Bios (through 2028):

Allison (Allie) Violet Fabray is the daughter of Quinn Fabray and Noah "Puck" Puckerman and pseudo-daughter of Rachel Berry. She bears a striking resemblance to her biological mother, only slightly taller. She picked up Rachel's knack for talking and her extensive vocabulary. She is said to be an excellent dancer having been trained by Brittany. Her father has taught her self defense and once inadvertently made her consider vegetarianism by taking her hunting. She was coached by Santana in confidence and debate which led Allie to becoming class president all throughout high school. She had one mark on her permanent record when, under the influence of peer pressure during her sophomore, she slushied a fellow student and was stripped of her title of class president for the year. She and the girl became fast friends following Allie's apology. At the age of 23 she gets engaged to her boyfriend, David Cohen and they marry the following summer.

Isabelle Rose Fabray-Berry is the daughter of Quinn Fabray and Rachel Berry and identical twin of Olivia Taylor Fabray-Berry. Isabelle was conceived with use of an anonymous sperm donor selected by her mothers and carried by Quinn. It was not known until she and her twin were born which egg they came from and at birth it was discovered that the twins are biologically Rachel's. Isabelle is a very quiet child, unlike both of her mothers. She enjoys art and history and according to her teachers is a phenomenal artist. For her sixth birthday she requested a trip to the city art expo. Isabelle is fiercely protective of her family, at age eight she hit a boy for picking on her but Olivia took the blame for it to protect her.

Olivia Taylor Fabray-Berry is the daughter of Quinn Fabray and Rachel Berry and identical twin of Isabelle Rose Fabray-Berry. Olivia was conceived with use of an anonymous sperm donor selected by her mothers and carried by Quinn. It was not known until she and her twin were born which egg they came from and at birth it was discovered that the twins are biologically Rachel's. Olivia is known to have inherited Rachel's temper and is very good at diva storm-outs. She loves and is proficient at sports of all kinds, her favorites are t-ball/softball, soccer, and basketball. She once demanded that her "Uncle Puck" move his family to New York City because he took her to a baseball game and Olivia wanted to do it every single day. Olivia is extremely protective of her twin and her family. After Isabelle hit a boy and was pushed in return Olivia beat him up and took the blame for the entire incident to protect her twin.

Joshua Alejandro is the firstborn son of Santana Lopez and Brittany. Joshua was conceived with use of an anonymous sperm donor and carried by Brittany. He was three weeks early but healthy at birth. His middle name comes from Santana's late father. He's very timid and quiet, he has a great amount of patience for his little brother. He has blonde hair and blue eyes, just like his biological mother. Santana has taught him basic Spanish and is rather protective of him.

Milagro "Milo" Sven is the second son of Santana Lopez and Brittany. Milo was conceived with the use of an anonymous sperm donor and carried by Santana. He was born eleven weeks early and as a result had to stay in a neo-natal intensive care unit for the first seven weeks of his life. He is very close to his older brother who, even when Milo does something destructive, is very tolerant of him. His name is the Spanish word for "miracle".

Anna Puckerman is the wife of Noah Puckerman and mother to their two sons, Noah Jr. and Elijah. Puck and Anna met while he was attending the Columbus Police Academy and she was studying at OSU. They married after Anna graduated and moved back to Lima where Anna now works as a real estate agent.


Click each drawing for hi-res!

All pencil drawings by the wonderfully talented firecracker_x / ducksinthehat @Tumblr

Scene from "(Not Quite) Nine Months"
This came about because firecracker_x / ducksinthehat @Tumblr asked for requests for pictures. The wonderful hezmanagirl requested this. <3

Joshua & Duck By the wonderful uncoordinated @Tumblr!



Icons by: insaneantics21

!!directory, !glee, *puppy-verse

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