Title: No Light Without Darkness
Author: insane_songbird
Pairing: Gen (sorry guys)
Rating: M+
Total Word Count: ~31.700
Disclaimer: All hail the Krip for creating such utter awesomeness! Not mine, none of it. :(
Warning/Spoilers: Seasons 1-3 (setting somewhere before the Season 3 final), Angst, Violence, Language, Blood
Summary: Sam and Dean go on a job in Nebraska… in the meantime Dean and Sam work a hunt in Wyoming. How’s that possible? Good question! When they notice something is wrong things get interesting and very dangerous... Can they still make it out of this in one piece?
A/N: This fic was written in full over a few weeks this summer and only needs to be posted.
Betaed by Mangacat201, thanks darling!
All Chapter Titles are the names of songs featured in a Supernatural episode.
No Light Without Darkness - Banner
I revised the whole story for mistakes in spelling and typing just now and it is embarrassing how many typos I found... but now it should be as good as free from anything and what small mistakes are left are probably more bad expressions than anything. All mistakes are mine because I am a real challenge to by beta Cat.
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven