Insights - J2AU hooker!Jensen

Dec 19, 2010 00:15

He smoothed a hand over his forehead pressing the skin between his brows flat to smooth out the frown lines that threatened to become permanent even though he tried to stop that habit. If he started getting wrinkles it wouldn’t bode well. As long as he could make people believe he was still a teenager, the price would be better. The gum he was chewing on tasted too sweet and had his mouth sticky and yearning for a drink but he chewed furiously trying to dissipate the taste of sweat and skin and more that always seemed to linger in his mouth for hours unless it was replaced by the stale taste of a new John. But blow jobs were easy and they were over quick, so he shouldn’t complain about them. 
A car pulled around the corner slowing down to stop a few yards away. He looked up slowly peeling himself off the wall in a lazy movements that stung in his cold joints. Another working guy, maybe eighteen when he was a day, was already meandering towards the car but he was dismissed as a head stuck out if the window eyes trailed on the man by the wall. “No. I want you.”

With a shrug he walked towards the car opening the passenger door and sliding inside nodding to the disappointed kid who shot him a poisonous glare. The door shut with a plop that was infinitely louder as the noise from the city fell away while the window buzzed closed again on the driver’s side. The car pulled away without a word being said and he bit his lip waiting for the known street to fall away so he could breathe normally again.

“Hey, Jensen.” The driver looked at him with curious eyes that skimmed from the street to the passenger seat and back constantly.

“Hey.” He wondered what it would be this time huddling back into the seat arms crossing over his chest as he tried to suppress a shiver as his skin prickled from being in the cold evening air for too long.

He startled when the heat was suddenly turned up to full warmth and the fan started up at high volume. He watched a large hand position the fan to blow directly at him and turned his head to look at the man in the driver’s seat with questioning eyes.

“You looked cold.”

“It’s December, Jared.”

There was a simple nod and then they pulled up to a motel that was far enough away to be considered safe and Jensen mourned the fact that he had to get out of the warm car and into the cold night once more but he didn’t hesitate opening the door and following the tall man as he lead the way to a room. Jensen kept his head down and hands in the pockets of his low riding jeans.

The door closed behind them and Jensen turned around looking at the other man, waiting. He didn’t know what Jared wanted this time but he was sure to find out. “So what will it be?” He rubbed his arms roughly wondering how the stupid motel owner could have decided to save money by turning down the heat.

He didn’t move when Jared unzipped his jacket and slipped it off. Jensen’s mouth went dry and his eyes might have gone a bit wide but he just nodded silently grabbing the edge of his shirt and yanking it over his head. This was new. But it wasn’t unexpected.

“Woah, what are you doing?”

He stopped dead shirt still in hand and stared blankly at the man in front of him wondering if things would get difficult today. Jared’s type could be rough, not that Jensen wasn’t used to it.

“Put that back on!” It was snapped sharply and the wide eyes on Jared’s face were only half startled as he stared at Jensen’s naked torso. The anger that made up the other half had Jensen comply quickly, slipping his arms back in the sleeves and tugging the thin fabric over his head covering his chest and stomach once more wondering if Jared had noticed the marks there. The paleness of the man’s face and the anger in his eyes overwhelming the surprise of earlier betrayed that he must have seen but thankfully didn’t comment. “Jensen, what the hell? What were you thinking?”

He blinked twice taking a careful step back and trying to keep his breathing normal. “I… I asked what you wanted and you…” He didn’t finish the sentence eyes skimming to the jacket that Jared had just taken off.

Anger slipped into confusion and then the man looked down at the piece of clothing in his hand. Understanding dawned on the man’s face followed by incredulity. “Seriously? How could you think I… I just thought you looked cold.”

Jensen tensed up as the tall - god, the guy was a giant - man took a few hasty steps towards him and draped the too big coat around Jensen’s shoulders carefully. Something twitched inside the smaller man and he looked at his feet swallowing. He had obviously insulted Jared by assuming he wanted him and hoped that this wouldn’t have bad consequences. His fingers curled around the lapels of the jacket reflexively and he pulled them closer around himself.

“There. See, that’s better.” Jared smiled at him hesitantly before taking three steps back obviously trying to look as nonthreatening as possible. “And just for the record: I’m a cop and I’m not going to ask… that from you.”

His voice was lowered to a degree that hardly allowed it to be heard and would make listening in from outside nearly impossible even though Jensen was sure that the man had made sure this place would be safe beforehand. Being a cop in Jensen’s mind didn’t mean that he couldn’t ask for sex, actually it just meant that he could demand it without paying. Jared wouldn’t be the first. He didn’t say that though knowing not to anger the man. Jensen had learned to keep his opinions to himself. So he just nodded pliantly before walking to the bed sinking down to sit stiffly on the edge.

“What do you need?”

The cop walked over sitting down beside him but with a foot of space between them. “There was a murder in the neighborhood about two days ago. Homicide is running against a wall and they asked for some… insight.”

Jensen felt his mouth quirk up in a half smirk. “And they think Vice has that?”

“They think we might know someone who does.” Hazel eyes held Jensen’s in a serious look that said that he was that someone.

He sighed rubbing his eyes slowly wondering how he had gotten into all of this. Being a CI was a dangerous business and people getting killed around him was anything but reassuring. “I heard about that but I wasn’t around. What do you need to know?”

“Her name… we couldn’t identify her yet. She hasn’t been reported missing and she’s not in any database.” Jared reached out and dipped his hand inside the pocket of his jacket that was still draped around Jensen’s shoulders with an apologetic smile. He pulled out a picture that showed a young but definitely dead woman with dark hair and bronze skin. Jensen swallowed looking away after a moment.

“Magdalena. I don’t know her last name. She’s been working in some of the clubs. I think she’s illegal, barely spoke English, so nobody will report her missing.” Not that anybody would report him missing either if things went belly up…

Jared nodded slowly frowning down at the picture. “Was she selling herself?”

“They all do.” We all do.

“Okay… I need to know which clubs she was working for.” Jared’s face was pinched and he looked a little angry but mainly like he was trying to keep himself from commenting on the whole prostitution business. Jensen knew his profession wasn’t the best, heck, he didn’t like it himself. But Jared had so far kept things professional and Jensen was thankful for it. He hadn’t expected that when becoming a Confidential Informant for the man.

“Velvet Dreams, Superbia… I don’t know which else but anything belonging to Big G would be a safe guess, I’d say.”

“So she was one of his girls?”

He shrugged peeling off some remains of black nail-polish from his thumbnail. “Once she took a single step into any of his businesses she would be, if she wanted to or not.”

“Like you?” Jared’s eyes were narrowed in scrutiny and it made Jensen’s skin tingle.

“Im walking the streets. I’m not working in one of the clubs.” The last bit of nail-polish was stripped off and flaked to the floor carelessly. He really didn’t care for Jared’s morbid curiosity.

“But he’s your pimp, right?”

Jared knew all that, it had been the topic of their first meeting when Jared had talked him into this whole CI business. Still Jensen nodded affirmative.

“Any chance you might hear more around him?”

Jensen’s head snapped up and he stared at the cop with wide eyes. “No. I’m keeping as far away from that man as possible. He’s the one getting the money but I’m happy to never see him in person anymore. I won’t stick out my head for this, Jared.”

The cop looked a little taken off guard but nodded after a moment. “What are you scared of, Jensen?”

“What do you think? Magdalena is dead. He’s not a nice guy… and he likes to try the merchandise.”

“Oh.” Jared’s face went a little pale and he stared at Jensen for a long, silent moment before nodding.

“Is that all?” Jensen got up off the bed slipping the jacket off his shoulders and holding it out for Jared to take.

“I guess… Why are you in such a hurry?”

“Because if I don’t earn some money tonight when being gone with a guy all evening, I’m in big trouble.” He rubbed his eyes once more knowing they were red rimmed by now and that the dark circled under his eyes must have grown even bigger. He hadn’t slept the night before due to a special job he had been picked up for. There was a poker game and the guys with too much money to spend it in gambling had ordered entertainment. He was weary and he didn’t feel like worrying about an explanation for being gone too long.

Jared nodded but only to pull his wallet from the jacket not putting it on to bring Jensen back. He skimmed over the notes in the back of the wallet pulling out a few. He held them up visibly for Jensen to see the exact amount before stuffing them into the pocket of the hooker’s jeans. “You look exhausted. The department pays for your expanses when you are with me. So why don’t you take that money and grab some sleep here. How much does that cover?”

Jensen stared at the taller man for a second before quickly estimating the cheapest rate in his head - no kinks, no extras. “About four hours.” This had been quite a bit of money.

“Good. Why don’t you lie down and I’ll wake you up in three and a half hours to take you back.”

“Seriously?” He pulled the money out of his pocket again staring at it and then the cop repeatedly.

“Yes. You just helped in a murder investigation, it’s the least I can do.” With that Jared sat down on a chair by the window grabbing his phone and seemingly starting up some kind of cell-phone game.

Jensen just stared at him for a minute waiting for the catch to come but being disappointed. When nothing happened he just shook his head and slipped out of his sneakers. Storing the money safely back in his pocket once more he slipped under the covers of the bed and pulled them over his head effectively hiding himself from the world and closing his eyes. He was out almost immediately not even worrying that a man was sitting only a few feet away. If someone had asked him, he wouldn’t ever have admitted it, but he slept like a stone because this? This was as safe as his life might ever get and even thought it might be foolish, he trusted Jared to keep him safe.


*hugs* Birdie

Long Fic based on this ficlet:

Insights (11 Chapters)

P.S.: Actually in my head this is part of a full length fic... but I had to get something out right NOW, so this is like a sneak peak, maybe.

bingo, j2au, oneshot, fanfiction

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