Putting off homework for a second to respond to the presidential debates in my usual, diplomatic, no-nonsense (as Lore would put it) way. Sorry, you're not getting a cut today
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I agree. The past few weeks I've seen numerous people get defriended for posting their political views in their journal-- like, someone will comment and then the poster will comment back and then I notice the commenter defriended them. :') Why can't people just be respectful?
Exactly~ It's just too much, imo. :( People can have tons of great qualities disregarding their political views, so why can't we take them impartially?
JUST ONE THING: everyone going on about MAVERICK? Did you not notice that Obama and Biden are like CHANGECHANGECHANGECHANGECHANGECHANGECHANGECHANGE? Once you have a catchphrase, you stick to it! And if it's really so annoying, why do YOU keep spamming the word 'maverick', too? D:
Do you mean in the respect that Palin was saying maverick a lot? Yeah that's true xD They were all going on about change, when you think about it, rofl. But that's how they get people to vote for them. Making promises is really all they can do without proving themselves through actual presidency. Whether either party will keep their promises remains to be seen~
:D One of my closest friends supports nearly all Bush administration's decisions made so far, and I'm not his biggest fan. But we get along just fine, even while talking about politics. Thank you for typing this post up (hoho at risk of being hated by many), and I agree with the points you raised. <3
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You said my feelings way better than I could ever have.
Anyway ilu Mumpo. ♥ But you knew that. XD
hooraaaay! I love you too :] ♥ ♥
Thank you for typing this post up (hoho at risk of being hated by many), and I agree with the points you raised. <3
You're welcome, that's so reassuring to hear~ xD
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