Title: Seventeen Years, Two Months and Fifteen Days
Series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Type: gen
Pairing: Lal + Colonello, Reborn
Warnings: If you have not read up to the TYL (Millefiore) arc, then chances are, you will not get this fic at all. I err at the side of 'wtf was that?' with this fic.
Notes: Written for the Lyric Wheel challenge over at
hitman_reborn. The
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Comments 7
Everything you wrote seemed very plausible, seemless in your integration of canon details and fanon theories. Nice!
I love how Reborn is so IC -- he's SMILING, people!! Reborn smiles a lot!!
Poor Colonello. POOR LAL, jeez. One of my favorite lines: "You do nothing to encourage conversation, but somehow know you will remember everything he's said despite it."
Like Jess said -- Lal is very human here. Good job, chica!!
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