picspammy: challenge 7

Jan 08, 2009 23:14

Summer Shaw (Hollyoaks), Sam Buxton (Spooks), Anna Travis (Above Suspicion) & Dr. Felix Gibson (Waking the Dead).
Summer: I love Summer Strallen to pieces, let's say that before we go any further. I think she's one of the most amazing people I've ever met, she's HILARIOUS and she's an amazing performer. The character of Summer Shaw, however, irritated me at points. I found her quite obnoxious and overly posh at times, and I think that's what some people's problem with Summer Strallen is; they don't quite realize that she is not the same person as the character. I loved seeing Summer on television, but I couldn't include her character as one of my top 5.
Sam: Bwahaha I LOVE Sam. She is funny, pretty, quirky and just generally awesome. I don't think we ever really got to see enough of her, which is partially my reason for not including her in my top 5, but she will always have a place in my heart. It really pissed me off that we never saw her leave; that she just disappeared. I always wished we'd seen her in the episode Danny dies, after he dies. Shauna would have done an amazing job.
Anna: Haha well I couldn't count her really, given that she was only in a 2 parter on ITV the other night!! But I absolutely loved her. I really wish it had been a proper full length series, because Anna fascinated me from the second she appeared. A ditzy, weak-stomached, inexperienced detective, who can turn quite violent when she wants to. She was awesome! I'm just glad that she opened my eyes to the awesome that is Kelly Reilly ;)
Felix: Again, an under-used character. She was only in one series!!! Esther Hall is amazing anyway, but I loved Felix from the onset, and she ended up being my favorite of the pathologists. And obviously, she should have been with Spence!

05. Zoe Reynolds - Spooks - Portrayed by Keeley Hawes

Where do I even begin?! Zoe was bound to be good, given that she's played by one of my favorite actresses, but I don't think I ever expected to become quite so invested in the character. She had a tough time of it; obviously in love with her flatmate, and best friend, Danny, but too afraid to admit it (ha!!), she ended up with the wrong man time and time again, each relationship ending worse than the one before. She hated having to lie to everyone. She finally settles down, plans to get married (although, ew, Will) and she finds out that his brother has potentially leaked her identity to the press. GREAT. As if that wasn't bad enough, she ends up getting caught up in a murder, sentenced to prison for 10 years, but winds up escaping to a new identity in Chile! Foof!


Zoe : (in a really bad fake spanish accent) "Hola Zoe, I would like to have dinner with you Zoe, in Madrid Zoe..."

Danny : Earl Grey tea bags.
Zoe : What?
Danny : You didn't get any.
Zoe : Why would I get *you* Earl Grey tea bags?
Danny : I like them.
Zoe : Look, we have a flat share, okay? We are not married!
Danny : Is Earl Grey tea bags married?
Zoe : Oh, yes!

Danny : Whatever happens tomorrow, whatever the jury decides, I want you to know something...
Zoe : It's okay...
Danny : I love you.
Zoe: I know.

04. DC Stella Goodman - Waking the Dead - Portrayed by Felicite du Jeu

I have to admit to not really watching WTD religiously, until I realized how awesome Stella was, and then went back through previous episodes.
The accent... oh gosh the accent. I started out hating the accent, then fell in love with the accent, then found the accent hilarious (dog attack anyone?). But on a whole I do love Stella. She's the clumsy member of the team, but every once in a while she has a genius idea. They treated her quite badly when she first joined the team - as expected; she was Mel's replacement - but now I honestly couldn't imagine the team without her, and neither could the team IMO. Especially Eve ;).
I just love how playful and... well if I'm honest, funny Stella is. And how grossed out she gets by Eve's experiments (and Felix before her, but mostly Eve) and how Stella always gets the grotty jobs.


Stella : "I didn't get it all... there was this dog."
Eve : "Coat."
Stella : "There was this mad dog. This dog... just attacked me. There's this nun... who saved me!"
Eve : "What happened to you?"
Stella : "I told you! There was this mad dog!"
Eve : "Well, did it bite you?"
Stella : "No! Look at my coat!"

03. PC Amelia "Millie" Brown - The Bill - Portrayed by Clare Foster

I was pretty annoyed to find out Clare was doing a crappy ITV soap/drama, if I'm honest, when I'd much rather be able to see her at the theatre, but I have been pleasantly surprised. When she started out, she didn't get much air time, and to be honest, her character still hasn't been developed (give us a character arc now PLEASE!!) but she is at least getting more dialogue now, and some of the things she says are just SO funny even when they aren't meant to be (and I can't help but burst out laughing whenever she has to run... sorry Clare!) and she's even been in episodes a lot more lately. In fact, she's actually been in the past 3 episodes in a row... MIRACLE.

Millie's interactions with the rest of the younger uniform officers - specifically the lads; Arun, Nate, Leon etc - is always quite a laugh, but I especially love when she works with Roger. They seem to have a good friendship going on there, and she obviously looks up to him (oh come on, who wouldn't? He's a real sweetie!). I guess she's over the 'biking through a puddle and splashing him' phase? LOL.

Millie : "Not this time sunshine!" (one of the aforementioned ROFL moments)

...I can't actually think of any others off the top of my head :(

02. Dr. Nicola "Nikki" Alexander - Silent Witness - Portrayed by Emilia Fox

I always loved Nikki, even back when I didn’t watch the show properly and it was just background TV. She’s a funny, cheerful, hard working girl who is faced with a lot of crap, but still continues smiling. I found it quite hard to find caps where she wasn’t all happy and smiley! At the same time, she’s really kick-ass and can stand her ground (well possibly not when being held at gunpoint this series…), as well as being ridiculously intelligent (annoying for someone who didn’t get good enough grades to do biology at a-level, believe me!) and having an amazing personality. And of course, she’s absolutely gorgeous because she’s Emilia ;)

Oh and of course her relationship with Harry cannot be forgotten! He’s so obviously in love with her, and she’s so obviously in love with him, she’s just oblivious to this fact, and he seems to think he isn’t good enough for her. The problem with them is we got a glimpse of what it could be like, and then they went straight back to square one! :(

I found this on IMDB which pretty much sums Nikki up: "Nikki wears her heart on her sleeve. She can be impetuous, and idealistic, and her open-ness and skill at being able to read people means they often find her easy to confide in. Since her arrival, shes grown into a skilled and confident pathologist a force to be reckoned with."


Nikki : "I'm fine. The doctor checked me out."
Harry : "Lucky Doctor"

Nikki : [Looking at results on the computer] "Harry I need you"
Harry : "How I have longed to hear those words"

01. DI Alexandra "Alex" Drake - Ashes to Ashes - Portrayed by Keeley Hawes

It had to be Alex didn't it? I know a lot of people really disliked Alex when the show first started; people blamed it on Keeley, but I personally don't think Alex was particularly well written in the first episode. HOWEVER, by the end of that first episode, I was in love LMAO. The bit where she drinks the glass of wine without picking it up did it for me. It's like she spent all episode doing everything she thought she could to get back to 2008, all the things she'd heard Sam try to do, and every one of them failed. In that last scene she's like resigned to the fact that she doesn't know what she's doing. She takes the 1981 world a lot less seriously than Sam in those first episodes (quotation marks round Gene's name, calling them all constructs etc.) but I think it's when she meets her mum and Evan and everyone that she starts treating it as a real situation, and not as a joke. And yet she drinks as if it's not going to matter... well, I guess it isn't!

I think the fact that we know so little about 2008!Alex - we don't know what happened with Molly's father, or really what kind of person she is in 2008 - makes 1981!Alex even more fascinating to watch. For someone who cares so heavily about her daughter, she's not very motherly; sleeping with random guys, drinking, dressing the way she does. I don't think 2008!Alex is anything like that, at least from what we see. It's like all her morals go out of the window when she knows she's almost dying. She doesn't concentrate solely on getting home, unlike Sam.


Alex : "Will everyone just shut up?! This is my bloody fantasy and I will be listened to!"

Alex : [to Hunt] "What do you want? Me to morph into a nun? It's not like I've shagged an entire rugby team, is it?"
Ray : [quietly to Chris] "Bet she has."

Alex : "You're not going to die. I can't die. Can I? [pause] Can I?"

Alex : "Hang on, hang on. Now this is worth getting straight; I'm imagining you, imagining paying for sex with me, in my imaginary role as an imaginary street whore?"

For anyone who is interested; I'm doing a whole picspam on Alex; I'm literally like half way through and it's MAHOOSIVE. Just sayin' ;).

Oh and hope this actually counts as a picspam, since it has more text than pics, but I felt the need to justify my choices haha and some of them don't have enough pictures for me to put more :(

felicite du jeu, clare foster, zoe/danny, ashes to ahses, harry/nikki, kelly reilly, summer strallen, above suspicion, keeley hawes, spooks, hollyoaks, silent witness, waking the dead, emilia fox, picspam, the bill, picspammy

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