Title: Beyond your voice Character: Junho Rating: R Summary: This fanart i made is a reference of Knife's prologue. When Junho talks with himself in front of the mirrow. A/N: If you didn't read it, click Sorry for all the people who don't like blood. If you don't like it. Don't watch it.
Okay sooo um, this is the first time ever posting 2pm fan art up on here~ ^^; And most of you are probably going to be all like WTF?!?! But anyways I drew these like a while back during 2PM'S Without U promotion and when Junsu had a foot brace on.
So.. Umm all I have to say is ENJOY~ And of course...They have to deal with Junsu~ xDDD People
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Title: Say something Character: Chansung Rating: ...uhm yeah, this is 18+, in case you find a guy holding a fan obscure, actually I just want to jump on him seeing him squatting and fanning like that, maybe it's just me, but in case. :D Preview: