As of tomorrow, no more subject lines in comments on LJ

Dec 21, 2011 02:42

Snagged from vetica.

Originally posted by moerlin at As of tomorrow, no more subject lines in comments on LJ
I was gonna update this with much happier stuff, but for the past week I've just been so enraged with LJ's asshattery that I've had it to here.

In case you didn't know, on 12/12 they first announced sneakily on the Russian journal of LJ's design guyRead more... )

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Comments 4

rashiea December 21 2011, 02:49:00 UTC
Lovely. As if LJ needed another way to fail. Already has DW back-up/cross-posting


innocent_lexys December 21 2011, 08:32:57 UTC
I made one last night as well, just in case.


winterlillies December 21 2011, 07:10:59 UTC
Ugh the changes have already taken place!


innocent_lexys December 21 2011, 08:32:39 UTC
Yeah, and it is awful. :/


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