stories (fics, Into a Bar, The Voorman Problem)

May 06, 2013 11:31

Hi, everybody!

I'd been sneezing all last week but felt fine otherwise, and then on Friday, the rest of this repulsive head cold hit with a vengeance. So I'm working from home today, just me and my mucus, hoping not to infect anyone else. But I've got stuff to share with all of you, through the germ-free internet!

First off, I've been on a real roll with writing lately, which is fantastic, as there are so many fallow periods for me. I know you haven't seen a lot of what I've been writing, as much of it has not yet been posted under my name, but I wrote five fics for this round of Sherlock Remix (which will be postable to this journal sometime this week), the last story in my Elastic Heart series (which will be posted once it's back from the betas, hopefully this month), a second story in my Harry Watson/always-a-girl Mycroft Holmes femslash series (posted), and a gift fic for the lovely
oxoniensis (which will be up within a few hours).

So, to take advantage of this hot streak, I thought I'd sign up for a cool challenge (brought to my attention by this post by killabeez: the Into a Bar Challenge, which asks you to pick one fandom character and then up to four other fandoms and the mods will have your chosen character and one character from one of the other fandoms you picked walk into a bar together. You write 500+ words about what happens next. I'm so pleased with my sign-up:
Who walks into the bar?: Emerson Cod
What fandom are they from?: Pushing Daisies
What other fandoms can you write?: The Office (UK), Middleman (TV), New Girl, The Good Wife
And surely it's a good sign that I could think of so many more combinations?

A question: if you saw this scene - - featuring James McAvoy and Jessica Brooks, what would you think the relationship between them was? Would it be (a) reunited lovers who were anxious to get to the babymaking, (b) close platonic friends, or (c) twins reunited after one is led to believe the other is dead? If you guessed (a), you'd be in the same place I am, which is astounded by the chemistry and that no director told them to tone it down.

And now for the funniest movie-audience story in my repertoire. I went to Be Film: the Underground Film Festival a few weeks ago with
alizarin_nyc because Martin Freeman's newly released short film The Voorman Problem was playing. (It also turned out to be opening night for the festival's 10th anniversary, so it was festive all around.) The film itself was fantastic, with Tom Hollander and Martin Freeman basically going head-to-head as a prison inmate who claims to be a god (and has the other inmates believing it too, to the extent that they chant his name) and the psychologist who's brought in to examine him, respectively. Both actors did phenomenal work in their roles, and while I know nothing about the technical aspects of filmmaking, even I could see that the film was beautifully made, with the people looking all creamy and lush against very stark industrial backgrounds. Martin Freeman employed his fantastic "I'm fantasizing about killing you" smile and also, not incidentally, was wearing one of my two favorite men's outfits (one is jeans and a t-shirt while barefoot; the other is glasses, dress pants, dress shirt, waistcoat, and tie, with no jacket) and looked so lovely [see icon] as he explored the intricacies of the case. Very nicely done. Anyway, that's not the funny story. Here it is: there was a 3-D portion to the film festival, and one of the films, 5M80, featured very realistically animated giraffes doing Olympic-caliber dives into a deep blue pool. It was unexpected and charming and hilarious. Early on in the film, when the filmmakers were trying to get the audience to accept that this was 3-D, there's a shot where one of the giraffes looks into the camera and gives it a loving swipe with its tongue (so it looks like you, the audience member, is being licked). The guy who was one row ahead of me and a few seats over said at that moment, "Damn, give me your number, giraffe," which is genuinely the only hilarious thing I ever remember hearing a fellow filmgoer say. I hope that made you laugh like it did me.

Lastly, I am still seeing all the theater ever, so I'll have a very big post coming next month, most likely. I think the only show I still need to get tickets for is Matilda - everything else is booked.

How are you all doing?

This same entry also appears on Dreamwidth, at

on writing, fic, sherlock holmes, sherlock remix, movies, real_life, pushing daisies, martin freeman

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