Title: Beauty and the Beast (2/2)
innibisRating: NC-17
Word Count: 9,376
Pairing: Kara/Lee
Genre: Completely AU
Disclaimer: I am not RDM or any of his cohorts. I do not lay claim to BSG in any way, shape or form; especially the finale.
A/N: Ah,
workerbee73, a beta who can be trusted to see the beauty in the beast.
Part I (
Beauty and the Beast )
Comments 57
(my academy edge fic that i started after our chatter about needing some rough k/l ficporn will never live up to the standards you've set with this one, my dear!!)
I'm really glad you approve of it. And I'm sure your story will be great.
Loving the turn of Lee as the outcast and Kara being sent out to help and then her standing up to them for him.
Just great!
Oh, and yeah, yums for the not quite vanilla version of sex for them - this has been coming up lately since the discusson and it is a hawt change!
This plot was a fun one to play with. I do love what ifs.
I'm glad the not quite vanilla sex worked for you.:)
I just wish I could have sent them off to their own castle in the woods in canon, poor dears.
And I'm glad the sex worked for you. Felt like mixing it up a bit.
Just off the top of my head, the things I loved: "bad" Lee - vulnerable, hard, bad, misunderstood. Guh. Black Market redeemed - generous of spirit and fun. And Kendra too - way to spread the love. The wish fulfillment fantasy of the two of them hiding away in their jungle castle. The slow build between them - held hands, planning an op while playing footsie (those entwined ankles in the pool - nice!), artful callbacks (grenades!), banter, trust issues, all culminating in edgy sex.
Sighs with pleasure and offers heartfelt thanks!
I love Kendra for no particular reason, and had so much fun turning the blackmarket and Phelan and Shevon into people Lee interacted with on a regular, non-hostile basis. This was a story where I had even more fun playing with plot and setting then I did playing with pilots.
Nice to hear from you again. I hope that your day goes better tomorrow. Thank you for your great feedback.:)
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