Title: Six Swans (2/3) Author: innibis Rating: R Word Count: 6,857 Pairing: Kara/Lee, Karl/Sharon Genre: Completely AU Disclaimer: I am not RDM. Nor am I a brother of the Grimms.
"He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and Sharon grabbed her hand and, for the first time in a long, long while, Kara felt like she belonged."- Yay for extended family! :)
Oooh, I loved this part even more than the first, and that's saying something. But it was almost totally pilots-centered, so that explains it. I'm a sucker like that. ;)
But seriously, it was really interesting to see how Kara and Lee continued to grow closer despite the barriers. How you got them to the point that they knew each other as well as they did in canon despite the fact that there's so much they've both been unable to tell the other. Guess this just goes to show how deep and elemental their relationship is, which I've always been fascinated by. So it's probably unsurprising that this is my favorite quote from this part:
Something warm and sad and mysterious and familiar all in the same breath, and he wanted her instinctively. No thought involved, no second guessing that particular fact.
Also, I quite like Sharon as Kara's sister, I've decided, and Helo as her brother-in-law. They're a lovely family unit here...
I was afraid that this part would drag a little, but I'm glad that it worked:). There seems to be an instinctual understanding between Kara and Lee. They're kindred spirits in many ways and rarely needed words to know what the other was saying - unless they were being deliberately obtuse of course.
I like the four of them hanging out as well. It's a nice little anchor for all of them.
What I love about the way you write is its so clear and your re-telling so imaginative. These characters truly come to life within the parameters of this fairytale (and a poignant one at that), they're drawn with such warmth and empathy. It really is a pleasure to read.
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Of course now I'm absolutely ravenous for the conclusion. :)
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You know I love this - now I am waiting with bated breath for the third installment...
But seriously, it was really interesting to see how Kara and Lee continued to grow closer despite the barriers. How you got them to the point that they knew each other as well as they did in canon despite the fact that there's so much they've both been unable to tell the other. Guess this just goes to show how deep and elemental their relationship is, which I've always been fascinated by. So it's probably unsurprising that this is my favorite quote from this part:
Something warm and sad and mysterious and familiar all in the same breath, and he wanted her instinctively. No thought involved, no second guessing that particular fact.
Also, I quite like Sharon as Kara's sister, I've decided, and Helo as her brother-in-law. They're a lovely family unit here...
I was afraid that this part would drag a little, but I'm glad that it worked:). There seems to be an instinctual understanding between Kara and Lee. They're kindred spirits in many ways and rarely needed words to know what the other was saying - unless they were being deliberately obtuse of course.
I like the four of them hanging out as well. It's a nice little anchor for all of them.
Thank you again for reading and commenting.:)
*off to the next chapter*
It's so nice to know that the characters feel right to you since they are so far from canon settings.
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